Author Topic: Stupid anarchist kid in my school  (Read 11599 times)

Is he drawing this stuff in his notebook, If so, steal that stuff and show it to the principal and his parents.

Utter dissapoint in his gay zombie orgy party.
Yeah, but like i said our school is as ghetto as loving dirt
and teachers are hypocrites so it might not work. but oh well, i'm trying not to do something stupid to get myself into a fight

His parents probably don't give a stuff, he sits there listening to spermswamp all day

Step 1:Steal one of his most prized possesions
Step 2:Say there is a god and he must believe in him if he wants the item back
Step 3:Watch him denie then if the object is breakable/splitable start to break or split it
Step 4:Watch him cry
Step5:Watch him say there is a god and hes sorry for everything hes done
Step 6:Give his stuff back
Step 7:???
Step 8:Profit

Step 1:Steal one of his most prized possesions
Step 2:Say there is a god and he must believe in him if he wants the item back
Step 3:Watch him denie then if the object is breakable/splitable start to break or split it
Step 4:Watch him cry
Step5:Watch him say there is a god and hes sorry for everything hes done
Step 6:Give his stuff back
Step 7:???
Step 8:Profit're an idiot

This just made me rofl.  This kid is on drugs and has way too many loveual hormones built up.  I almost caughed up a lung laughing when you talked about his band and that brown town squirting crap..  Oh lol I would laugh at this kid... XD

Step 1:Steal one of his most prized possesions
Step 2:Say there is a god and he must believe in him if he wants the item back
Step 3:Watch him denie then if the object is breakable/splitable start to break or split it
Step 4:Watch him cry
Step5:Watch him say there is a god and hes sorry for everything hes done
Step 6:Give his stuff back
Step 7:???
Step 8:Profit

Are you sure this kid is not athiest and not anarchist?  Athiesim is saying there is not God and if it feels good do it.  Anarchists are just gay rebels that think they are above the law...

I don't think he's actually either, he's just whoring
but it's big time and he could end up killing somebody what with his unstableness

The kid sounds athiest and anarchist to me I care more about the athiest...I mean come on RIPPING A PAGE OUT OF A BIBLE? I mean srsly man tell that kid he can just go bang his head on a tree till the tree falls down or he gets knocked out cold BUt srsly the kids making his life worse and worse Now go tell him the internetz said to show yourself and stop fakin kid!

I don't think he's actually either, he's just whoring
but it's big time and he could end up killing somebody what with his unstableness

Talk to teachers, have them explain what he has been doing.  Say that you are concerned about his phycolodgical stability and to have one or more of the teachers talk to the parents of this demonic bum forget.

Step 1:Steal one of his most prized possesions
Step 2:Say there is a government that keeps society in order and he must obey it if he wants the item back
Step 3:Watch him denie then if the object is breakable/splitable start to break or split it
Step 4:Watch him cry
Step5:Watch him say there is a government that keeps society in order and hes sorry for everything hes done
Step 6:Give his stuff back
Step 7:???
Step 8:Profit
fixed lol

All he does all day is yell at people, talk about this band, and (Pretend to) Jerk off

At one point he ripped pages from a random bible HE brought to school.
The kid is just WRONGGGGGGGGG he needs to get mental therapy and set his life straight someone please go open that heart of his and make him where he isn't a douche bag

The kid is just WRONGGGGGGGGG he needs to get mental therapy and set his life straight someone please go open that heart of his and make him where he isn't a douche bag
We get it. Now shut the forget up.

Tomorrow in the morning, beat him up with the holy bible!

Tomorrow in the morning, beat him up with the holy bible!

Yes.  Screw what I said before.  BEAT THE LIVIN JESUS INTO THIS MOTA forgetA

After he tossed it he took it and used it against other people
  I don't own one myself that i know of


After he tossed it he took it and used it against other people
  I don't own one myself that i know of
Go to any church giftshop.