Author Topic: Zack0Wack0 & Truce Claim Key Stealing Conspiracy  (Read 5087 times)


a news site, countless blogs, failed newsletters, threads telling people to stop bugging you and OH LOOK youre still a douche

Hilarious. Just hilarious.

a news site, countless blogs, failed newsletters, threads telling people to stop bugging you and OH LOOK youre still a douche

If you'd like to find where I claim my opinion is the best, please do show me.
I've run one news site. I attempted with a magazine in 2008. That is about all. If you are going to insult me, do it right bub.

Just further proof of my original statement, "quest for e-peen".

You posted something that was legitimate as a news story. There is no e-peen involved, the original article published stated that you and Truce started a conspiracy. Nowhere does it say what you said was 100% true, if anything the article presents what was suggested by you confirming it is just your word, and then questions the original allegations. Let me quote some passages.

Was Truce really presented with 20 to 30 keys from Flaw, or is this a lie intended to damage Flaws reputation?
He states that it was "commented out of" the Item_Names add-on, however in the released version of this mod no such code was found, hidden or otherwise.
There is no confirmation that either of these statements are true, and it is questionable whether the information Truce and Zack0Wack0 have provided is genuine.
There is no known way for this to be possible, and there is a question if this is just a way for Zack0 and Truce to commit slander. Truce was known for running into hacking trouble himself, forcing him to buy a new key after punishment from Blockland's creator Eric Hartman.

Then in the follow up article...
but puts further question on Zack0Wack0's integrity, as no key transfer in-game is apparent

So Zack0, what are you saying? You made this up entirely, yet Flaw admitted that what Truce said was correct? I think you are now lying, Zack0. This was not a random person you picked. Flaw has already stated that some of your claims were correct.

If anything, this is you trying to get an e-peen by getting attention via other media and users. This just makes you look untrustworthy.

i never said you claimed it
its implied by all the pretentious bullstuff you spew

The entire thing was a joke. That code has never existed in the mod, nor does it even work. I wanted to see if IcyGamma would be stupid enough to believe me and go along on his usual quest for e-peen, Truce agreed. We chose a random Blockland scripter, this was not an attempt to damage Bauklotz' reputation. It's kind of hilarious that we chose someone who actually ended up admitting to hacking keys.

I was going to let the topic run, but it seems all the fun has ended. Also something else to mention, IcyGamma actually worked out what we were doing and said something a long the lines of "This is a setup. Why else would they talk about it in front of me?" and said we were "BROLLING!" which was exactly what we were doing. But he still went ahead with writing about it on his blog and here. Just further proof of my original statement, "quest for e-peen".
If someone was actually generating/stealing keys, although that's pretty much impossible, it'd be worthy of a blockland news story, at least in the form of a drama topic.
I agree with Sheath that your "quest for e-peen" argument is invalid.

i am going to suck your richard.


a news site, countless blogs, failed newsletters, threads telling people to stop bugging you and OH LOOK youre still a douche
I disagree with this statement.

Even though Icy was foolish to believe this, he wasn't doing this for attention.

Hey guys, guess what?

I just found out that Halcynthis knows how to steal mods from servers!

Hey guys, guess what?

I just found out that Halcynthis knows how to steal mods from servers!
way to go
any weapon or vehicle that doesn't have a scripting back-end can be stolen

way to go
any weapon or vehicle that doesn't have a scripting back-end can be stolen
nono he found a way to steal aanyyyyyyyyyy mod


Even though Icy was foolish to believe this, he wasn't doing this for attention.

Well, I did sort of catch on.

actually worked out what we were doing and said something a long the lines of "This is a setup. Why else would they talk about it in front of me?" and said we were "BROLLING!" which was exactly what we were doing.

Although, in the end I still reported on it as conspiracy and it turned out to be true. c: