Author Topic: Just informed of my cousin's death  (Read 2599 times)

I'm sorry for your loss. My father is policeman and this horrifies me

Mack's like me, sorta lol.
My father died.

my little bro wants to be a cop when he grows up

then again so did i

my little bro wants to be a cop when he grows up

then again so did i
My brother is becoming a police officer, in a Jew town though

We shall have revenge on the snow plow driver.QUICK,get me my shotgun,Miga.

Im so sorry. :c

My deepest condolences. I wish you and your family the best of luck.

Killed by a snow plow?
I'm quite surprised.

Killed by a snow plow?
I'm quite surprised.
My deepest condolences. I wish you and your family the best of luck.
= devided by 0
Not the same comments

+= devided by 0
Not the same comments

I'm confused... What are you getting at?

My cousins are idiots, I love them anyway though, I hardly ever see them though because my uncle thinks we're not religious enough even though they blindly follow what they hear from scholars and we follow our holy book. So screw him.

On topic: Sorry for your loss D:


I'm so sorry, Mack.

Aw man... I'm really sorry, Mack. :(