Author Topic: Block Wars - No Hope "A New Hope"  (Read 23451 times)


Dark quit BEE? But. BEE is his clan, not mine.


Dark quit BEE? But. BEE is his clan, not mine.
Sorry, it took me a while to reply...

Yes, check out his latest news update:
Block Eye Entertainment - News
He sais that you will either have to take charge or the clan will be dead.
Please continue the pirate movie for him!

hartman was spelled wrong in the movie poster.

hartman was spelled wrong in the movie poster.
He already knows that.
He was just typing too fast.

Sorry, it took me a while to reply...

Yes, check out his latest news update:
Block Eye Entertainment - News
He sais that you will either have to take charge or the clan will be dead.
Please continue the pirate movie for him!

I'm either going to continue the pirate movie or work on a few shorter projects (which depending on their popularity may or may not get turned into their own feature film).

Either way I guess I'm kind of sort of head of BEE now, eh? That's pretty cool. Maybe I'll turn it into a commercial enterprise or something.

Anyone want us to make them something? We'll charge super cheap rates. lololol

Too bad there's no way you're getting this thing done in time for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It would've been really cool if you could.
Oh yeah, and, the five year anniversary of Blockland is almost here (incase you're a noob, I'm talking about the retail version)!
Check out my party here: Five Year Anniversary

Too bad there's no way you're getting this thing done in time for Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It would've been really cool if you could.
Oh yeah, and, the five year anniversary of Blockland is almost here (incase you're a noob, I'm talking about the retail version)!
Check out my party here: Five Year Anniversary
Do you think I should ask Badspot to move the party topic to Community Projects?

In animation you always record the voice acting first before even one frame is drawn or rendered, this is known fact. Machinimas, or at least, semiserious (or in our case feature length) machinimas should be treated like animation for the best effect. Because the actors aren't saying the lines through the game, for all visual purposes it's better if you have your voice track laid out in full so you can know what goes where and when and why.

So this, inevitably, leads me to my final point: I really, really, really need voice actors.
For all of you saying that you want this thing to get finished but are also saying that it's getting no where,
Swholli said that he can't record a scene without the voice acting being done first.
So if you really want this thing to get done, ACT FOR A VOICE!
The only reason I can't is because my voice is really high.
I would if I could, but I can't.

My god man, I haven't played Blockland for almost a year and nobody has EVER contacted me about this since we filmed the dance scene.

lol the dance scene.

Good times.

I've wanted to be in this since it was first announced, The first one.

I have a very deep voice like a demon

Has any progress been done sence the scene in Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi's homestead?

I shall be creepbacca, I do declare.