Author Topic: How do i make it so people cant join a team.  (Read 240 times)

How do i make it so people cant join a team in a TDM

Weigh Sorting, I'm pretty sure. Set it to 0. But that only handles autosort, I think. But turn on lock teams and it's fixed.

Weigh Sorting, I'm pretty sure. Set it to 0. But that only handles autosort, I think. But turn on lock teams and it's fixed.

Weigh Sorting, I'm pretty sure. Set it to 0. But that only handles autosort, I think. But turn on lock teams and it's fixed.
nah, set it to a higher number, if it's 2 teams, set one to 0, the other to 1, the one with 0 will fill up while the one with 1 won't, as per player, on team 1, they're worth 0, on team 2, they'd be worth 1, then they're put on the team with the lower number