Author Topic: Has anyone seen sam?  (Read 1430 times)

Sam Is my best friend on Blockland, along with Fancypants, thescout, Sgt ghost. I've seen all of them except sam . Ever since I switched my internet connection I haven't seen him.
 Does anyone know if he quit Blockland, changed his name, etc? I really miss him. I emailed him, messaged him.
I even found him on facebook. I friend requested him but he didn't respond. If you have any way of contact or if you see him on a server, tell me. (if you see this sam, please tell me, Its anakin.) I AM DESPARATE. Thanks for any help

You sir sound like a stalker

How did you find his Facebook?

How did you find his Facebook?
I have him on windows messanger. I connected it with facebook and it found him

Has anyone seen DuckHunter, yeah he was last on today.

And his name is just "Sam"?
RTB's list of Sam's.
The only "Sam" on there, was last seen active on January 16th, 2011. Is that him?

And, with the number of people and servers on Blockland, and without a highly accurate form of private messaging, it'll be tricky to catch him if he's online.

He may just be at a moment in time where he can't play.
May be sick, be on a holiday, or not allowed to play. If it hasn't been too long, give him some time.

WHAT? Thats impossible its only the 15th!

And his name is just "Sam"?
RTB's list of Sam's.
The only "Sam" on there, was last seen active on January 16th, 2011. Is that him?

And, with the number of people and servers on Blockland, and without a highly accurate form of private messaging, it'll be tricky to catch him if he's online.

He may just be at a moment in time where he can't play.
May be sick, be on a holiday, or not allowed to play. If it hasn't been too long, give him some time.
hes been gone for over 8 months

Is the RTB registe list run off the user's time or Ephi's time? If so he's ahead of you in the world maybe in NZ or somthing. I'm no genius so correct me if I'm wrong! ._.

That 2pm translates to two hours ago in the UK. (where Ephialtes is so presumably where that time is based off)

Ok, lets get back on topic. I can't remember his exact Bl-Id. but it was somewhere in the 8000's. I don't think he's on the forums, and he's not on RTB. He lives in New Jersey.

Ok, lets get back on topic. I can't remember his exact Bl-Id. but it was somewhere in the 8000's. I don't think he's on the forums, and he's not on RTB. He lives in New Jersey.

I still think you sound like a stalker.. Its just sorta creepy

I still think you sound like a stalker.. Its just sorta creepy
You know stuff about your best freind, ya know. He told me all of that.

I know how you feel, ever since i got banned from RTB, I havent seen my friend jes00! Though i havent seen him I'll check RTB.