Author Topic: Joystick support  (Read 7923 times)

I developed this Add-On to add Joystick support for my wired 360 controller and am releasing it for others to use.

The default button layout is the Left Thumbstick for movement, Right Thumbstick for looking, Left Trigger for jet, Right Trigger for primary attack, Y shows tools, B opens the brick selector dialog, X shows bricks, Back and Start move inventory, D-Pad shifts bricks horizontally, Left and Right bumpers shift bricks vertically, Left and Right Thumbsticks rotate bricks and A plants bricks. The mouse is still used for navigating menus.

This layout is fairly unintuitive (am open for suggestions!) but focuses on brick placement - hence the lack of jump and use spraypaint keys, which have to be mapped manually as the controls menu does not detect joystick input.

The following preferences can be changed:
Code: [Select]
$Pref::Input::JoystickDeadZone = "-0.26 0.26";
$Pref::Input::JoystickEnabled = true;
$Pref::Input::JoystickInvert = false;
$Pref::Input::JoystickSensitivity = 0.1;
$Pref::Input::JoystickSouthPaw = false;

Invert flips the y-axis and southpaw flips the thumbsticks.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2011, 10:42:13 AM by Resonance_Cascade »

Interesting add on! may use in the future

Is this possible? :O


I would have several climaxs if I knew how to enable this with my Xbox 360 controller.

now then, i need to repair my USB drive

It would be nice if wireless controllers can use this :P

I would have several climaxs if I knew how to enable this with my Xbox 360 controller.
Just place this in the Add-Ons folder and plug in your controller.

It would be nice if wireless controllers can use this :P
You can if you have one of these:

I kinda found out it works. Do the axis (joysticks) work now?

I would have several climaxs if I knew how to enable this with my Xbox 360 controller.


I kinda found out it works. Do the axis (joysticks) work now?

Yes. Joysticks work well but you may have to adjust the deadzone ($Pref::Input::JoystickDeadZone) for your controller if you keep turning after letting go of the thumbstick.


That's using a 3rd party program to map joystick buttons to keyboard keys - not an addon.

Working on adding control binding support - instead of binding a button to a command you bind a command to a button, e.g:

does it work with regular joysticks? Not 360 controller?

does it work with regular joysticks? Not 360 controller?

Yes, will add options in the controls for joysticks with more/less buttons and axes.

Very Nice addon. I've been trying to play BL with my xbox for long, and this addon is my solution.

I just have one problem: I would have made A be for jumping and right/left thumbstick for planting. Discard one of the rotation controls.

I tried driving a jeep on Alchotoff_Wilderness. Pretty nice, and since the thumbsticks are used for movement, you can go not only at normal and slow speed, but also anything between these two!

I love you. If only I had an Xbox controller... I have other computer things with joysticks though.