Author Topic: Cartoon Bedroom  (Read 22707 times)

Well it looks like this because its suppose to be a cartoon version of it.

a NOT fail edit. bedroom texture was a failed map. this one is like a cartoon INSIDE the map.

 :cookie: :cookieMonster: :iceCream: :nes:


all it is is texture editing...


You're all so kind.....
personally I think it's pretty good. Does look pretty cartoonish

why dont you stop trolling peoples addons? i dont have a mother loving mac. i cant use map2dif. all i CAN do is change the textures jackass
guess what i have a mac to. i've made maps but haven't released them cause i'm bad at it, learn to use mission editor

The retexture isn't really bad, but the fact you mini-emote spammed makes the topic itself banned.

P.S. Use to host images, don't use attachments.
I'd prefer someone to use attachments over imageshack.

keyword CARTOON

friends, cartoons don't have textures now do they?!

No, but they sure as hell are drawings. Textures are basically drawings in a form that somehow gets in the place you intended it to be in.

Lock this topic. Now. Delete it. Fail bin it, Anything but leaving on the forums. It makes my eyeballs vomit.