Author Topic: How can I convince my dad to get me a $350 computer?  (Read 1558 times)

Well? I really want this 350 dollar PC but my dad says either I get a PS3 or a PC. I kinda want the PS3 so I can play Little Big Planet 2 cause it looks awesome. But I want the new computer so I can run Champions Online. How can I convince him to get both?

Personally I think its only fair cause hes gonna get himself a new friggin cell phone.

Personally I think its only fair cause hes gonna get himself a new friggin cell phone.

>Buying something for self using your own money
>Apparently unfair because you didn't spend an equal amount of your money on everyone else around you

Go be a spoilt friend elsewhere and stop trying to bankrupt your father using the excuse "It's unfair because he's getting something for himself!!111"

You're gonna get a really really really really really bad computer for that much.

>Buying something for self using your own money
>Apparently unfair because you didn't spend an equal amount of your money on everyone else around you

Go be a spoilt friend elsewhere and stop trying to bankrupt your father using the excuse "It's unfair because he's getting something for himself!!111"
You're gonna get a really really really really really bad computer for that much.

can a $350 computer even play a game?

>Buying something for self using your own money
>Apparently unfair because you didn't spend an equal amount of your money on everyone else around you

Go be a spoilt friend elsewhere and stop trying to bankrupt your father using the excuse "It's unfair because he's getting something for himself!!111"

exactly, your father works hard at his job to earn that money. Be lucky he's considering getting anything at all for you.

can a $350 computer even play a game?


It's got a celeron in it.

Buy it yourself. Don't rely on other people to buy you what you want; he didn't even have to offer anything to you in the first place, you know. It's his money, you have no control over it.

Also if he wants to get himself a new cell phone, so what? It definitely does not mean he should get you something far more expensive than it to make up for his purchases.

can a $350 computer even play a game?

A 195$ one can. This one I've been using for a few years now and comes with 3GB ram, 2.30 Ghz and I can run some games without much lag.

Anyone who actually wants a gaming computer should just save up a thousand or two.

You're gonna get a really really really really really bad computer for that much.

Basically this. I doubt it'll even run what you're buying it for.

can a $350 computer even play a game?

More than likely it'll just be limited to browser games, and maybe a few others.

my best guess is that he is a minor.

Depending on where he lives, he can get a part time job at 15. Well, that's what his profile says, anyway.

*blah blah blah*
Personally I think its only fair cause hes gonna get himself a new friggin cell phone.
Ever think he needs to get work calls and his old phone doesn't work anymore? Save up your own money and buy a better PC than a $350 one.

Anyone who actually wants a gaming computer should just save up a thousand or two.
what the hell