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Author Topic: Highler Ridge :: Welcome to the city.  (Read 25737 times)

Name: Jake Kosh
Status: Healthy
Inventory: 9mm Pistol(0/9, 26 9mm Rounds), A knife.
Karma: 0
Location: Kelton.
Objective: Lose the cop!
Cash: $30
Gained: Nothing.
Lost: 9 9mm Rounds.

We were in a bad situation, we may have the money but now we have to get away from this cop... I tried all I could to shake him, making sudden U-Turns, going down wide alleyways, everything. But every time I looked in the rear view mirror he was there...

"Guys! Try shooting out his tires!" I yell to the two, throwing my pistol to Carter.

They smash their windows and begin firing at the cop car. I thought every shot had missed until 30 seconds later, I heard the cops tire shred off the rim.

"YES!" the three of us yell in unison.

I drive us into oncoming traffic, hoping the cop can't dodge the cars. The cop smashes into one of the oncoming cars. I glanced back and it looked bad, but continued driving on. I drive the car into an alleyway, next to an abandoned apartment building. We ditch the car, knowing that the cops will be on the look out for it. Carter hands me my pistol and we enter the building through a smashed window in the back. We wait inside, hoping the cops will stop searching for us...


Name: Raymond Porello
Status: In pursuit
Inventory: Tazer; 10mm pistol (30); police radio; flashlight
Karma: 5
Location: Bright Annex; Oneida Avenue.
Objective: Stop the vehicle I'm pursuing
Cash: $364

          Before I knew what was happening, I was steering my Charger down the center stripe of Oneida Avenue, swerving in and out of pulled over traffic on a narrow two lane road. My LED lights illuminated the area around me and the siren blared out in front of me as the car in front of me became closer and closer to the front of my own vehicle. I was steering with one hand and grabbed for the radio with my free, and pressed the button on the side to report.
          "183 to dispatch, I've got a golden sedan (?) going about seventy down Oneida Avenue. Backup requested to the area, this guys a maniac, over," I said quickly. The dispatcher responded with a simple, "10-4." The car was swerving down the center stripe, spending most of its time in the oncoming lane. I don't know why this was. I didn't even know why they were running to begin with, all I wanted to pull them over for was simply for going a bit too fast, though I knew something was up when I saw the expression on both of their faces, driver and passenger.
          Lost in concentration on my driving, I heard the radio go on with a message. "183, 214's gonna be behind you shortly, be aware." Sure enough, within a few minutes, an older Crown Vic was on my tail, black just like my Charger with blue lettering. "214, what do you propose we do?" I said. I had a feeling he was just going to say stay behind the sedan and hope for the best but keep my distance. "183, lay low but don't lose him," I heard from the radio. "Copy," I replied. Finally, after a quick eight miles, disaster struck - the sedan swerved to go around a large SUV, presumably a Denali, and swerved back in the lane too fast, and clipped the rear of the van. The SUV lost control, fishtailing wildly behind me, and checking my rear view mirror for an instant, I could see 214 had just barely missed being t-boned. Looking ahead of me, I could see the sedan spinning quickly in circles in the middle of the street before the rear right quarter was plastered against a waiting garbage truck, pulled over because of my lights. The motion of the sedan and the garbage truck had stopped, and I drove up to the sedan and put the front of my car's brush guard against the driver side doors. The guys were trapped between my car and the truck with no where to go.
          "Dispatch, he's out, requesting EMS to Oneida and 10th," I muttered. The passenger appeared to be knocked out from the impact of the garbage truck, but the driver was still squirming. I threw the car in park and opened the door, instantly kneeling and drawing my pistol on the driver.
          "Put your hands in the air!" I yelled, as 214 pulled up beside me. He imitated my actions. The driver surrendered, and once EMS arrived, we cleared the vehicle from its predicament. The man had been taken into custody. "Not bad, rookie," said the man driving 214. I thanked him, and he introduced himself as Officer Ometto.

EDIT: Star forget you.

EDIT: Star forget you.
Post you're stories faster next time. :D

Post you're stories faster next time. :D

I post stories longer than 10 lines. >:L

I like mine better anyway. :D

I post stories longer than 10 lines. >:L

I like mine better anyway. :D
Lets see what morningstar and Jokey say, they are involved as well.

Hey someone stop me  for looking  suspicious.

Hey someone stop me  for looking  suspicious.

Im the only cop so no lol.

Name: Max
Status: Fine
Items: Nothing
Location: Kelton Jail
Cash: $11,100
Karma: 0
Objective: No current objective
Gained: Nothing
Lost: Pistol and Ammo

We dashed up the stairs and hid on the roof. The cop drove up to the car we ditched and examined it. He then noticed the door we forgot to close. We heard him charge up the stairs. He burst through the door and I tackled him. After a few punches he got out his tazer and tazed me. He threw me to the side. Everything went black...
After what seemed an hour I woke up in a police cruiser. Jake and Carter weren't here with me. They must have escaped.  We finally arrived at the jail and the cop lead me inside. He threw me in a cell. "Don't try anything punk!" he said as he walked away. I looked out my bared window and couldn't believe my eyes. Jake and Carter were out there. How were they gonna get me out of this mess?

Name: Bruce
Status: Relieved
Items: None
Location: Goodyear City Jail
Cash: None
Karma: -30
Objective: Escape jail
Gained: What
Lost: Weapons, karma, cash, and my civilian status

"God damnit he's finally dead," I said. I leaned against a wall. I heard a sound all too familiar. The cops! I made a dash to the door but it was already too late. The cops were already inside the house. I heard them axe open the front door, which was already a bit broken. I looked out the window to see if I could jump or not. I looked around nervously trying to find an escape route. I looked at the bedroom. I could probably hide under the bed and hope they leave.

"Secure the area. Don't let this criminal escape!" I heard a cop say. It was most likely the chief of this operation. "I want all doors and windows sealed down."

I made a mad dash underneath the bed. I pulled out my combat knife and got it ready in case somebody looked under the bed. I could hear cops running up the stairs, waiting to get this over with so they can be done with their day. I knew I wasn't going to get out clean so I stayed quiet and tried to eavesdrop on the police chief.

"So, chief, got any idea to where we are taking him?"

"I know exactly where we are taking him. We are taking him to Goodyear Maximum Security Jail and putting him to death. He has been charged in the recent past and now we have him cornered," the chief replied to his fellow officer.

I waited a little bit until I heard them go back downstairs. I heard a few police cars drive away in the distance to probably catch another deranged criminal. I crawled out from under the bed and dusted myself off. I then felt something heavy come down on the back of my head. I went unconscious for a little bit. I awakened to the scene of tons of machines, barred doors, and a few other criminals. I was at Goodyear Jail all right. I didn't want to die yet so I looked around.

"Chief, you sure we can make sure he doesn't escape us?"

"Oh of course I can. I can make anything become true to his deepest fears," the chief responded devilishly with a devilish smile across his face.

tl;dr I got arrested :/

Main Story Line Four
Name: Giovanni Vespucci
Status: Healthy, but incredible nervous
Inventory: IDs; Taser(Charged, fairly high in quality)
Karma: 0
Location: Kelton, St. Dymphna's Cathedral
Objective: None; Narrative (Current Day)
Cash: $1,150

*After returning to the dispatch office, their had been note left for Giovanni. At midnight, it requested a meeting with him - And in return Amedea would be given her safety.
  The Cathedral of St. Dymphna, the Bishop's seat within Highler Ridge, was a marevolous structure, though under renovations from age and gang violence. The marble giant had long predated and reached above the skyline of the crystal towers of corruption found in Kelton. Giovanni had spent many nights in his younger years, after traveling from Italy, hidden in the vast catacombs beneath the hall in which he stood; The silent craddle beneath the fast paced society layed home to the children of this world, long forget, since returned to their Mother in peaceful bliss.
  Giovanni waited above these vast catacombs, back-right near the stainglass window of the sorrowful virgin, her eyes filled with remorse and dissappointment. The nightly choir had begun to sing, the lights dimmed and only candles illuminating way to the altar.
Preparing for Communion, Giovanni thought to himself.
  A shaded figure, carefully sliding about as not to be scorched by the candles' light, sat near Giovanniy. A shadow he knew all too well, but one that was yet so foreign. It was Claudio, his brother. Claudio was a charismatic man. Such a mask he wore that sealed his pain, a snide smile and deep set dark eyes, a sea of shades calling for help. A mask that bore hardly a dent or wrinkle, but one that had been aged many years beyond his time*

  "Hello, fratello." Claudio said to me, a standard greeting he had no doubtly stated thousands of times to complete strangers - So appropriate, I suppose. "I asked you here for a simple favor - a way to reconnect with my long lost brother - though I'm sure this you have guessed. I'm sure you can accomplish it."
  The choir had begun to sung, ushering in the late-takers of Communion. Confiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae, semper Virgini....
  "I hope only for your best and the best for a large piece in our lives: SeQuence."
Beato Michaeli Archangelo, beato loanni Bapistae
  "I'll get to the point, no sense in beating around the bush. Your dear friend, Amedea, is within a Church-owned care facility. However, she shall not be for long."
Sanctis Apostolis Petro et Paulo, omnibus Sanctis
  "SeQuence desires to buy out the facilty, and all others for that matter, so that dying or criminally insane 'persons' can be tested upon to further our research. Your friend could easily be placed in such a catagoury - most these days can."
Et vobis, fratres: quia peccari
  "However, several of SeQuence's shareholders and one or two Board members fears that this may be 'inhumane' or 'bad publicity'. Fools. Which is why I want you to kill them."
Nimis cogitatione, verbo et opere
  Giovanni was frozen. Why, after all these years, would he want him to do this? Why not he hire on someone else?
  "The reason I ask you this is simple. For one, you're not a part of SeQuence. What you do is totally independent. And two, I want you to return to our old life. One of wealth, of fame. You'll never worry nor want again."
Mea culpa
  "Don't you feel any guilt, any remorse?" I heard myself lashing out upon my brother, but in a voice that was not mine. It sounded more of my mother's. "You willing allow these streets to grow more and more corruot under your hands!"
Mea culpa
  "Why should I feel guilty?" Claudio cried, saddened, angered, and confused. "This town has done nothing for me nor anyone else! I feel good to wipe away the want-to-be thugs and violent gangs, even if it takes corruption to do so! The power is just a bonus, being the CEO I am."
Mea maxima culpa
  "I am here, offering you a chance to live better and you thank me through outbursts" Claudio's eyes crushed me, I felt so small and minscule, unable to say anything more beneath the sorrowful glance of the Virgin. "Illogical, you may be, but ungrateful! You have a great deal to learn. To go any further one must abuse the systems, it is the only way to control it."
Ideo precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem,
  "But, a choice is a choice. I suppose I'll just hire another, get it done either way. Your friend will be a lovely first subject." Claudio gave an pretensious smile, but one that was doubtful of itself.
beatum Michaelem Archangelum, beatum Ioannem Baptistam,
  "You'll learn yet. I remember when I was as blind as you." Claudio bellowed, avoiding any candle light that grew brighter at the altar
sanctos Apostolos Petrum et Paulum, omnes Sanctos,
  "Good day, 'fratello'. Have fun - what is it you do? - taxiing." Claudio stepped out of the church, careful not to to look upon the altar that shone in front, so close, yet so far from me.
et vos, fratres, orare pro me ad Dominum Deum nostrum.
  The choir silence, the Church dimmer. The hours passed. There I layed, alone in the dark, afraid.

I didn't have time to reread, so feel free to point out any errors. :S
« Last Edit: February 25, 2011, 09:43:05 PM by *Magick* Mage »

Above two posts are awesome. Mage, I love how you differ your story from everyone's. You're really good at this. :o

Also, it seems everyone forgot about the police aspect of this RP until I made my cop lol.

Anyway, here we go.

*William Forvetti is not Will. He's just a character since he doesn't post anymore.

Name: Raymond Porello
Status: Healthy; normal.
Inventory: Tazer; 10mm pistol (30); police radio; flashlight
Karma: 5
Location: Wallack; Highler Ridge Taxi Service Dispatch Office
Objective: Assist in finding William Forvetti
Cash: $1165

   I was stopped at the stoplight going down Southbend Avenue, stuck first at the red light I had been waiting at for an unusually long time now. I gazed around at my surroundings. They were so unfamiliar, and yet I felt comfortable, like I knew this city. I guess in a way I did. This city has been my life for years now. It's been a long time since I've been to Wallack though. I guess I've never had much a reason to even bother traveling so far to it.
   Today was a quiet afternoon, for the police that was. The police radio was quiet, not very many recent dispatches, aside from the usual pull-overs and other random traffic violations. Nothing exciting was going on. Most all of the other cops were off an about taking care of their duties or at home. It was in the middle of the afternoon, I would have guessed it would have been busier. But to be honest, I don't really care, I'm not technically allowed to intervene with other assignments now that I've got this one on my hands. I had finished up that pursuit, eventually pulling off when I was relieved for the night. Its hard to believe that was just last night. I came in to the office this morning and grabbed a file from the fresh crimes pile. Apparently, I'm supposed to track down this William Forvetti character. His record is clean but he was recently tagged for a hit and run when he was supposed to be working - he was a taxi driver. His past was spotless before now, so its a mystery why he ran. The record shows that he quit his job the same night. The taxi place must be bewildered. But that's why I'm here.
   I parked on the street across from the Dispatch Office. I grabbed my hat off the passenger seat and put it on. It was snug but surprisingly comfortable. Hopefully it gives people the "I'm not messing around" kind of look. I guess we can put it to the test now. I signed out of the computer between the front seats and closed the lid to the laptop. I checked my side mirror and waited for the passing traffic to clear and opened the door, closed it and locked the car. I walked swiftly across the street and opened the door.
   The office has a unique formality about it. It was small but professional. Some chairs surrounded a coffee table around the front glass windows, and some fake plants were scattered around. A nice modern counter stood against the back wall with a door in the back corner; it was closed. There was a man standing behind the counter writing on some papers. I walked up to him and we began conversing.
   "Oh, hello, Officer, what can I help you with?"
   "Hey, I'm Officer Porello... I was wondering if you'd happen to know a man by the name of William Forvetti?" By the look on his face, I could tell he knew who he was. He looked shocked, surprised, like the kind of question shouldn't have even been considered to come out of my mouth.
   "Uh... yeah, he actually quit a few days ago... Do you mind if I ask why you want to know?" he asked nervously.
   "He's recently come up in the office. He has a totally clean record but has recently been tagged for a hit and run accident on the 14th of this month. He was seen driving a 1990 Monte Carlo. And this would bring me to my next question... what kind of cars does this depot use?" I didn't want to sound like an starfish but I needed answers. I don't want to be hassled.
   "We actually have some of those... let me see if I can bring up his cab number..." And with that, he went back to his computer screen, rapidly typing. A few moments later, he replied, "He had number five, but its currently on a route. You can track it down if you want... it's usually going down Central Boulevard between 5th and 12th."
   I was personally impressed with this man's level of helpfulness. He said that he hopes that I can find him. I thanked him and got his name and left the cab office, and getting into my car. I rolled the windows down and took off down Southbend Avenue again, my destination being Central Boulevard. I turned some music on. Hopefully things go as planned...

Yay. :D

Little did he know, the cab number was a trap. He drove to it and BOOM! He dies.


Little did he know, the cab number was a trap. He drove to it and BOOM! He dies.


But I put a remote bomb in the office and it too WENT BOOM.

But I put a remote bomb in the office and it too WENT BOOM.
But then a three legged octopus named Farrah came from the Heavens and purged the Earth of vice, reviving me and making me Prime Minister of Pluto!