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Author Topic: Highler Ridge :: Welcome to the city.  (Read 25753 times)

Story Arc Two (Flashback)

Name: Giovanni Vespucci
Status: Healthy
Inventory: ID; Golden Cross (Necklace)
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack, Company Dispatch Office
Objective: Job interview; Narrative (About 10 years ago; 2001)
Cash: $0

Gained: New Work; Car keys; Forms; Two more IDs (Required for job)

*Sitting in the office lobby, waiting for an interview. Kochetkova's Taxi & Busing Services is a small company, led by famed Russian Vladamir Kochetkova. He has a stunning reputation for his business intellect and his appparent arrogance. Running a small business isn't much to boast about, considering all the mob run buses and taxis in the area. But my last 'career' simply won't do.

A large man in a brown overcoat and casual garments bursts into the room, his boots giving the floor a challenge to hold steady. A lit cigar hanging from his mouth, cradled in his pitch black beard completed his frightening image. Standing up, however, feeling certain doom I put on a half hearted smile and shook the man's hand*

  "What do you want?" The man spoke with a thick Russian accent, but I had been used to translating languages so it wasn't much of a bother. The smoke emulating from his mouth is what bothered me - If he had been a bystander, I would have commented, but I wasn't about to ruin my future with a possible employer...Not with that, at least. "Well?"
  "I'm here for a job interview. I spoke with your secretary Ruth. She said you could see me today"
  "I see you? Never. You see me. For job. Sit, we have the interview now."
We walked into his back office, a mess of a room. Maps and papers were strewn about, half the window didn't even have glass. I tried, anyway, to make what I could of it. He asked me standard questions, which I answered well as I could. He laughed when he discovered my birthplace:
  "Italy? Florence? Impossible! You haven't an accent or odd little mustache."
  "I was a translator for the last 'company' I worked at. I picked up proper English there. And at least the Italians in town don't have a bad reputation such as, say, the Russians." I gave him a short glare, knowing I shouldn't have said that, but my heritage wasn't one you insult.
  "You....Yooooou.." He began to scream in what I assume was Russian swearing, going off for a solid 10 minutes. When he sat down and stared into my eyes, he began to laugh, fiddling around with his ring. Hysteria, maybe? "You little bastard. Having the nerve to speak back to Kochetkova! Haha, I think we will have good times in this dump."
Stunned, I gave him a thanks as he filled out some paper work. The dull silence was too heavy for me, so I tried to make casual conversation. I fixated my stare on his ring.
  "You're married?"
He stopped, his clenching hand constraining the pencil's movement. His smile faded. "Divorced" he stated, bluntly.
  "Then why do you wear a ri-"
  "You start Wednesday. I'll expect you here early." Ignoring my last comment, he thrust the taxi's keys to me and a form to fill out for manual registration with the state.
  "And do not ask anymore questions that need no answer."

Caution, just an idea, you should make it that there are 8 players at a time, and the waiting list. You are the boss and you assign players missions.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 06:02:29 PM by Blaze0 »

No dice. The dice suck :c

Name: 'Fizz'
Status: osht-
Location: Baxter Hotel, penthouse.
Items: Deagle, spare mags(2)
Karma: -20
Cash: $500
Objective: Extraction

Malcolm led Fizz back the way they came. They waded through the pool, which was tainted rid with a couple of naked bodies. They got to the middle of the floor when an alarm rang. Hundreds of SWAT soldiers poured into the expanse of the room.
"Fizz, you ever wondered what Hex really does?" Malcolm asked, taking off his suit jacket. Fizz shook his head, and Malcolm took the case of Hex from him. He pulled out a syringe and jabbed it into his neck.

His veins bulged under his skin and he double over in pain. His eyes clouded over, tinted a bright green. His already massive muscles doubled in size. He was the size of a tank before, but he was a forgetin' cargo plane in comparison now. His clothes fell in tatters as he charged at the horde of shocked SWAT members.

"Oh-ho-Holy stuff!" Fizz said. "I could still use that soda."

"Can it Fizz, get to the extraction point!"

Fizz nodded, obeying Raiden's order and heading for a balcony. He looked down, and found himself 80 stories from the pavement below. He took a deep breath before vaulting off the rails.

Time to show them what he was good at.

I is be lonely :c

Name: Ian DeRello
Status: Healthy
Inentory: L96 AWM, .223 Magnum rounds (15), Tracking goggles
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack

Two weeks after my last post

8 hours. I have been watching over the street for 8 hours. The occasional car speeds by, followed by police cruisers, but nothing interesting.  I was hired by the police for 2,000 dollars to take out one of the largest criminals in the city. They gave me word that he will be meeting a client here, but the only problem with that is he will be guarded. heavily. Another hour passes by, and I sat there observing the grafiti on the walls of the dark brown building. Such profane words should not be written on buildings, but you can't stop them in this city. The building had a tactical advantage over the park I was looking down upon. I was on the roof of a 5-story building, overlooking a large hill that sloped downwards, into the park. Will this guy show up? My mind started to wander towards the beautifully crafted weapon I was holding. Neatly polished, and it was painted dark red, almost a maroon color, infused with dark black striped going down the length of the gun. Just then, the armored van pulled up, followed by 3 sedans. This must be him. I switch the safety off, and I wait until the perfect moment to strike.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 05:37:18 PM by Jorici »

Name: Fizz
Status: FeelGood.
Location: Wallack
Items: Deagle, Case of Hex.
(Other info that doesn't matter)

Fizz dropped at least ten yards before sliding off a balcony roof and flipping off it. His speed took him up towards a flagpole. He grabbed it with both hands, swinging counter-clockwise before letting go and landing on a flat outcrop. He skill-rolled to absorb the impact and continued dashing.

Parkour. Give him a can of juice and he can run up the Empire State building within minutes. He went from floor 80 to floor three. He jumped onto the wall, using it to slow his fall. He hit the running, going over to his car. Raiden greeted him.
"We aren't getting Malcolm?" He asked, getting in the passenger's seat. Raiden shook her head.
"He'll live." She floored it. "He always does."

Name: Max
Status: Fine
Items: Nothing
Location: Wallack
Cash: $1,100
Karma: -10
Objective: No current objective
Gained: Nothing
Lost: Injuries

After a while passed my injuries healed. I found a new tire for my scooter and fixed her up like she was new. I decided to go for a test run. I drove my scooter around and did a few jumps and stuff. It rode like a dream. I then saw some suspicious activity. An armored van... three seadans... I backed up a little and turned off the scooter to make less noise. Then I noticed a 5 story building. There was a guy on top. He had a sniper. I sprinted into the building and dashed up the stairs. I wasn't going to let him kill anybody. I mean I murdered for a police cruiser but I'm not going to let somebody die for no reason! I needed the money! I broke through the door to the roof. "HOLD IT!" I shouted.

Osht, it's about to go down! Mind if I jump in? >:D

Osht, it's about to go down! Mind if I jump in? >:D


Name: Ian DeRello
Status: Healthy
Inentory: L96 AWM, .223 Magnum rounds (15), Tracking goggles
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack

What the forget was this idiot doing? The biggest crime boss in the city was not 20 feet away from him. 2,000 dollars is a lot of money. I needed that money for my rent. Without it, I will die a horrid death on the street. I waved for him to get out of the way, and he didn't move. I did it a second time. Nothing. I can't get a clear shot on the criminal mastermind. He was clear in the open, too! He must be working for him as a body guard. My finger started squeezing the trigger, when this guy leaped off of the ledge of a building, and landed on the obstruction just as I fired at his heart. The bullet smashed into the pavement next to him, but the criminal noticed this. He saw me. He pointed at me. I frantically ripped the bolt back, then thrust it forward, about to fire another shot, but it was too late. One of the cars started barreling towards the building. My eyes widened. I flipped the bipod up, and started making my way down the stairs. forget that man!

Name: Fizz
Status: Holy stuff on a stick.
Location: Wallack
Items: Deagle, mag(1)
Cash: $1500
Objective: None

Two forgeters. Two idiots at once! It was only a day after I shot up the penthouse. I saw a sniper, and a man getting in the way. I also saw a few black sedans and a criminal-looking individual.

I quickly put two and two together and took a swig of my soda can. It was empty. Already pissed off, I jumped down from the four-story building and grabbed a fire-escape rail. I then let go, dropping the other two and landing heavily on the guy. A ping beside me told me the sniper had missed. A look behind me told me the crime boss noticed. I got off the guy and ran inside the building, then thought better and dragged him inside with me.

I don't feel like making this as long as before :l

Name: Ian DeRello
Status: Healthy
Inentory: L96 AWM, .223 Magnum rounds (15), Tracking goggles
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack

That car must have been reinforced or something, because next thing I know, it smashes through the wall of the building. I felt the building tremble, but it still stood strong. I took the steps 3 at a time, and I got to the second floor. The stairs below me were smashed from the impact of the sedan, and the four men stood armed with machineguns. I kicked open the door, and they must have heard me, because they started fumbling up the broken stairs. I slid the deadbolt in place, and took a minute to weigh my options. The only way out was the window. Or death. I didn't like the latter. Just then, the door burst open, and without thinking I dropped the gun and leaped out of the window.

Mage and Jorici I love your stories :D

Name: Bruce
Status: Fearful and well-fed
Inventory: 9mm handgun (36 ammo), Wallet full of cash ($200), Fake credit cards, suitcases full of clothes, and my iTouch and iPhone
Karma: 0
Objective: Assassination

"Ryan, what should I do to help you out," I asked. I was being very careful with my words. I didn't want to be part of a gang and do stuff

"The top head of the police force needs to be gone. He is secretly a part of the faction that I owe money to. He has not been charged with corruption for years now. I need you to take him out." Ryan answered. He looked very confident and almost begging for me to do the task.

"Ok. I'll do it." I replied. "But I need materials and some proper weapon use."

"You're good with a gun right?" Ryan asked completely ignoring my request

"Uh yeah. Handguns to machine guns." I replied

He handed me an Intervention. Obviously meaning I was going to have to take the shot.

"He is going to a meeting in Kelton. He should be quite an easy shot with a few other partners in crime."

"Got it. I'll get him," I said confidently and headed off into the streets for Kelton.

Hours later, I was sitting atop a building with an Intervention in my hands. I have been playing a lot of MW2 in Mother Russia and wanted to jump off this 50 story building and 1080 no-scope him so badly. But I had to focus. I couldn't let Ryan down. I breathed in and could clearly see several people waiting to start the meeting. They all had plopped down in all the chairs but one. It was at the head of the conference table which obviously meant my target was running a bit late. Finally, I could see him walk into the room, apologize for his short absence, and sit down in the empty seat.

The officer, named richard Hudley, was a rather big man with a goatee and a pretty emoish hairdo and facial makeup. Nevertheless, I had to kill him. I breathed in again looking through the scope. But suddenly, I saw through my scope, richard pulling out a handgun and all the guards in the room pulling their guns on the other people inside. I could not see what he was saying but I saw him fire on one person. He must have tried to escape or talk back. I centered my scope onto his head. Focused. And took the shot. The bullet crashed through the window, and straight through his upper neck.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I killed him. Ryan is safe for now. But, the guards seeing that richard was dead, fired on the people in the room, leaving no survivors. I saw the whole thing with my very own eyes, or through a scope at least. The guards also seemed to know where I was on the rooftop and went downstairs to get me. I threw the Intervention away seeing that I didn't need it. It ended up hitting a bystander in the head, knocking him out cold. I pulled out my handgun, reloaded it, and ran for my life downstairs. I had to hide somewhere but these guards, seeing that they were pretty smart, could potentially kill me if I weren't too careful. I made it down all the way to the 5th floor before I heard them stomping up the stairs. I pulled out my iPhone and immediately texted Ryan saying the job is done and I need a pickup at 1336 24th Avenue.

The guards knocked on the door almost immediately after the text was sent out to Ryan. My heart was beating so fast and I was sweating a lot. I leaned against the door with my handgun out. To my relief, they started to march away. But in reality, they were pulling back to charge through the door. Thinking they went away, I started to calm down. A guard kicked down the door and 6 guards fully loaded with Ak-47s and Desert Eagles poured in behind him. They found me. I did not know what to do. I had 4 choices: Surrender, fight back, jump off the nearby window, or Self Delete. I went with the third choice. I instantly pulled my handgun on them, using an insane amount of reflexes to wound 3 guards and jump off the window down 5 stories. Fortunately, a convertable was waiting outside down below me. I jumped into the seat smiling at Ryan. The task was done and a loving insane amount of action has happened today

Ryan was pleased to hear richard was done for. He drove me home back to Bright Annex leaving the guards to care for their wounded and flick us off as we drove away.

I may have stolen a couple of ideas from Jorici such as the assassination and jumping off window part but who cares? :S   
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 12:37:57 AM by ipodmemorizer55 »

Hmm... I think I'll join, plus its a Caution RP, which means its good.
(I'm using my name from Broken World, too lazy to make one up. :P)

Oh and I smell GTA IV inspiration.

Name: Jake Kosh (Har.)
Status: Healthy
Inventory: 9mm Pistol(9/9, 45 9mm Rounds.), A knife.
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack.
Objective: Collect a debt.
Cash: $30
Gained: M16 Assault Rifle (30/30, 60 5.56mm Rounds)
Lost: 9mm Rounds (10), 5.56mm Rounds (30)

I was standing outside a warehouse, where I was supposed to meet a man who I was supposed to collect the money from. A van pulls up, the passenger side door opens and a man gets out. I looked at the man, he had a briefcase, it must contain the money.

"I assume that contains the money?" I ask.

"Yes, it is all in here." he answers with an odd smile.

He sets the briefcase down and walks back to the van. I walk over the the briefcase and open it, and look inside. Nothing, the bastard is trying to trick me! I look up to see two men with M16's walking out from behind the van, I knew I was in trouble. I dashed towards the warehouse, and the men begin firing, luckily they were bad shots and didn't hit me. I make it inside, I pull out my pistol and made sure my magazine was fully loaded, I slipped it back in and watched the door for what seemed like an hour. They kick open the door and I fire 3 rounds, 1 hitting the first man in the chest but causing no damage, he had body armor, damn! I aimed for the arms, hoping that I could hit them. I shot the rest of the magazine at the men, luckily hitting one in the arm, he dropped his M16 and put his hand over the wound.  I slip a new magazine into my pistol and look around for the other man but I couldn't see him, suddenly I'm grabbed from behind and I turn around to see the other man with a knife about to stab me.

"You shouldn't of taken the job, kid. Nobody collects debts from Vince Conrello!" he says, thrusting his knife towards my chest but I grab his wrist right before it touches me. I twist his wrist making him drop the knife, I push him back making him fall to the ground and I aim my gun at his head.

"No, its you who shouldn't of taken the job." I say pulling the trigger.

*BOOM* The man lies still on the ground, blood flowing from his head. I grab his M16 and put away my pistol, and begin to walk towards the other man, still grabbing his bullet wound.

"Now, I give you two choices, walk away now and you won't end up like your buddy over there." I say, making a motion towards the body.

"Or, you can try to kill me and die. Your choice." I say.

"...forget...You..." the man says taking his hand away from the wound and pulling a pistol out, but he was too slow, and I shoot him in the other arm with my M16.

"You should've walked away." I say, aiming my M16 at his head.

*BOOM* I shoot the man in the head and walk out of the warehouse, the van was still there. I saw the man in the passenger seat with an expression of fear on his face. The van begins to move and I unload the rest of the magazine into the van, but it was armored and they get away. "I was hoping this was going to be an easy job..." I say to myself, running to the old rusted car I had 'found' beside the warehouse, I throw my M16 into the passenger seat and speed away after the van...

EDIT: Forgot the Lost and Gained fields.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 07:01:42 AM by star9578 »

Name: Max
Status: Fine
Items: Nothing
Location: Wallack
Cash: $1,100
Karma: 0
Reason for Karma gain: Saved a life
Objective: No current objective
Gained: Karma
Lost: Nothing

I didn't know what was going on. The sniper was in the building, some guy was leaping from a building. I decided to go for the sniper again. This crime cannot go unpunished. Well half crime because he TRIED to kill a man. I hopped onto my scooter and drove off. The guy must have not exited the building yet. I was wrong. He came bolting out a window. He landed in a dumpster. I drove up and grabbed his sniper while he was face first in garbage. I pointed it at him to make sure he wouldn't try anything. "Why were you trying to murder that man?!" I demanded.

Main Story Line Three

Name: Giovanni Vespucci
Status: Healthy
Inventory: IDs; Taser(Charged, fairly high in quality)
Karma: 0
Location: Bright Annex, Saint Dismas Memorial Hospital and Patient Care Center
Objective: None; Narrative (Current Day)
Cash: $1,150

Gained: Money from a days work prior to visit

*Sitting in lobby of the hospital, waiting for word from the nurse I had just spoken to. I came to see Amedea. My foot, rhythmically tapping the floor, is out of my control. The hairs on the back of my neck stand and my breathing heavy. I cringe as I look through a doorway near the hall and see a puppeteer playing to an audience of children. The nurse walks in the room, golden hair reflecting off her white garments, deep green eyes glaring my way, and a smile on her face*

  "She can see you now. But be careful."  As the nurse told me this, we walked down the passage to what I thought would be Amedea's room. Oddly enough, we wandered into the child care center, which was quite a way from the psychiatric ward, where all the children were collected around a redhead reading from a Dean Walley book.
  "Ever since she was moved to the psychiatric ward, she has had an odd mood swing. The children love it; Amedea reads to them every day. But the doctors say this change in behavior isn't healthy."

I walked in quietly, the nurse heading back to her duties. It was adorable to see how well the children felt towards her, but I knew how upset they would be if I interrupted.
  "...In the magic of being with someone we love! And when happiness seems to be nowhere around, remember: It's waiting just to be found!" The children all clapped as Amedea set the book down and patted one girl in the front row, a chemo patient, on the head. "I'll read to you guys again tomorrow, alright? It looks like I have a visitor!" She looked towards me. Standing, Amedea stepped around the children who were scurrying off to play and made her way towards me.
  "Too much work for you already?" She jested
  "You know me. I'm surprised you've been here this long. And that you're..." I stuttered
  "That's the word!"

Amedea gave a laugh, a nice gift: familiarity. It had been a long while since things were normal; That was the major reason I was there. Restoration had to be done soon or I may have grown used to the way things were. Nothing may stay forever, but I happen to enjoy it lasting for a long while - but that I did not want.
 "Well, after a few weeks in the nuthouse, you tend to appreciate things more. You get a finer taste for life." Truth is, she had only been in the ward for a week, but I suppose when you spend time with schizophrenic and bipolar patients, time inches slowly.

Amedea was moved when she was uncooperative to the doctor's requests for information and had several nightly break downs. The ward's department head, after a meeting with her, recommended it himself - fearing that if worse came to worse she would try to kill herself.
  "Well, good to hear you're recovering. And if you could, go a bit faster. I never realised how much work you did until I had to do it"
  "Ha. I'll take that as a compliment."
  "Well, I best be going. Feel better. See you soon." I went to turn as she gave one last comment, haulting all my movements.
  "What?" I said, stunned.
She bit her lip in hesitation and thought for a moment.
  "God has plans for us all...We just have to follow them."
Amedea gave a brightly lit smile, kissing me on each cheek as per the Italian way, then skipping to the ward.

As she disappeared through the doorway, I could hear only those words echoing through the catacombs of my mind "God has plans for us all..."

My stories aren't very actiony. :o

They will get moreso soon, though.

Name: Ian DeRello
Status: Healthy
Inentory: .223 Magnum rounds (14), Tracking goggles
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack

I land in the dumpster. I probably broke a few bones,I couldn't move. Two of the guards came down, and laugh at me. one of them raises his SMG to me, and mouthed the words, "goodnight." as a smile crept onto his face. Then I saw a guy jump from the rooftop to the one across the ally, and started watching what was going down. (Deus, that's you.)