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Author Topic: Highler Ridge :: Welcome to the city.  (Read 25701 times)

Yay. Topic revive get! Will post soon. I have decided to write a short story on this subject from my point of view for a school project. Awesome.

Double toast in sake of bump. Are you guys making this die on purpose? Also, stuff is getting real in our story.

Name: Bruce
Status: Well
Karma: -11
Cash: $501
Location: Wallack MAXIMUM MAXIMUM Security Jail
Objective: Escape cops before being shipped to Guantanamo Bay (this is happening before closing guys)
Gained: Combat Knife
Lost: Pistol, Hotel Key

I woke up suddenly. My hand had a big wound on it from the gun shot. I also was in handcuffs, heading separate ways from Max and Jake. I started to shake free only for the guards to put me down and knock the back side of my head again.

I woke up again wondering where I was. I was in a large jail cell with a few other people I did not know. They seemed to know me by my reputation.

"Hey! I know you," one of the prisoners screamed with joy. He walked up to me and introduced me to his jail buddies. "Guys, this is Bruce Sullivan! He escaped the cops so many times and has a good shot too!"

His jail mates seemed impressed with me and decided to accept me. I guess I can give a sigh of relief for that.

Name: Max
Status: Panic
Items: Nothing
Location: Goodyear
Cash: $9,825
Objectives: Find Bruce and Jake, Get uncuffed
Gained: Nothing
Lost: Everything

I awoke, in a helicopter at a level where a fall could kill you, but you could still see the people on the ground.. I was cuffed, cop with an M16 in his hands. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "SHUT UP!" the cop said in a very rude tone. "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" I screamed, kicking the cop with both feet. He fell out of the helicopter, screaming all the way down. There was another cop on the other side of me, now pointing his gun at me. I grabbed his gun with my feet, and pulled it away from him. I threw it out of the helicopter and kicked the cop in the side of the head. He flew out of the helicopter as well, screaming. The driver whipped his head around. I got up and dashed at him, smashing him in the head with my shoulder. I kicked open the helicopter door and shoved him out. The helicopter began to spin out of control. I just sat there, watching the ground get closer and closer. I finally leaped out, landing on top of a truck. It took me a minute to recover but I got up, helicopter exploding behind me as it hit an electronic billboard. Sparks flew everywhere. It was night so atleast it look pretty. I hopped off of the truck and onto the street, cop cars wailing in the distance. I had to find Jake and Bruce!
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 06:58:01 PM by Jokey365 »

I guess the main reason I don't post often is that my story is not directly affecting your guys'. I've also been busy looking for a job and a car and helping with lawnwork etc etc so I don't even use my PC hardly at all anymore. :o

I guess the main reason I don't post often is that my story is not directly affecting your guys'. I've also been busy looking for a job and a car and helping with lawnwork etc etc so I don't even use my PC hardly at all anymore. :o
I suggest making it so that you somehow try to get Jokey to jail and prevent me and star from escaping. Good idea?

Kinda short this time, not much you can do in a prison cell.

Name: Jake Kosh
Status: Bandaged bullet wound in left leg.
Inventory: Nothing.
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack MAXIMUM Security Prison.
Objective(s): Escape, find Bruce and Max.
Cash: $750
Gained: Nothing.
Lost: Nothing.

I woke up on a bed, my leg had been bandaged and I had been uncuffed. I looked around and realized I was back in a prison cell. The room was pretty empty, save the toliet in the corner and the bed I was on, the cell didn't even have a window. Bruce and Max were no where to be seen, obviously in other cells. I had to get out and find them, but getting out is going to be hard, guess I'll just have to wait for the right moment.


Name: Max
Status: Panic
Items: Nothing
Location: Goodyear
Cash: $9,825
Objectives: Find Bruce and Jake, Get uncuffed
Gained: Nothing
Lost: Nothing

People were screaming and running all over the place. I sat down on the ground and moved the cuffs under my feet and to my front. This should make things easier. Wait a second. Why was I in a helicopter? Possibly because of the stunt I pulled. No time to worry about that, I had to get uncuffed. I was in the advertising section of Goodyear so there were a few options. A helicopter with a searchlight hovered above. I dashed into a nearby strip club. People were hiding under tables and some were just in feeble position. I ran over and hid behind the counter. The bartender was cowering and had a lighter. I had an idea. I grabbed a few bottles of beer and poured them all over the counter. I then bashed an unopened bottle over the bartender's head, knocking him out and covering him in beer. I threw him onto the counter, grabbing his lighter. The cops stormed inside. They walked over to the counter where the bartender was lying. I had to do this at the perfect moment. One of them checked if the bartender had a pulse. Bingo. I flicked the lighter on and threw it onto the bartender. The entire counter was engulfed in flames. The police stumbled back. I ran out from behind the counter and grabbed the nearest cop's M16. I kicked him in the nuts to make him release it. I fired the weapon wildly at the cops. It was incredibly hard to keep the gun steady since my hand that wasn't on the trigger was just halfway between the trigger and the magazine. I killed some of the cops and injured the rest just as I ran out of ammo. I threw the gun to the ground and grabbed a pistol from a dead cop's pocket. I aimed it at my cuff's chain and pulled the trigger. The chain split in two. I left the cuffs on since my hands were free and I dashed to the roof. As I reached it a search light blazed on me. Cops burst through the door behind me. I looked off of the roof and at the ground. My only choice was to fall to my doom or get shot to death. I leaped off the building. The cops ran to the edge of the roof and looked down at me, watching my land back first in the back seat of a convertable. Stupid cops. They think I'M gonna commit Self Delete? Pfft. Never. I didn't have much time. I hopped up to- I CAN'T MOVE! Did I just paralyze myself?! No. Thank the lord. The feeling slowly came back to my arms and legs and I groggily moved up to the steering wheel. The key was still in the ignition. I kicked it into high gear and got the car between the stopped cars left behind from retreating civilians. I was a little dizzy from the fall but I kept it steady. I finally got out of the barrage of cars and headed for Wallack MAXIMUM security prison, cop cars wailing in the distance. One of the guys had to be there...

Name: Dr. Reginold Feep
Status: Fine
Inventory: Pilot outfit(helmet and everything)
                 Colt .45 Commando + 57 .45 rounds
                 Cell phone (228-1626)

Karma: 15
Location: A helicopter hanger at the Wallack ITN Airfield
                    Sitting in his NH-90 "NightClaw MK II"

Objective: Waiting for hire
Cash: 20,000$

This is my helicopter.
It has two side mounted minigun that can also be traded out for a rocket launcher or a grenade launcher.
It also has a winch that can carry 4,000 KG


General characteristics
Crew: 2 pilots (and possible sensor operator on NFH)
Capacity: 20 troops/12 stretchers/2 NATO Pallets
Length: 16.13 m (52 ft 11 in)
Rotor diameter: 16.30 m (53 ft 6 in)
Height: 5.23 m (17 ft 2 in)
Empty weight: 6,400 kg (14,100 lb)
Useful load: 4,200 kg (9,260 lb)
Max takeoff weight: 10,600 kg (23,370 lb)
Powerplant: 2× Rolls-Royce Turbomeca RTM322-01/9 turboshaft, 1,662 kW (2,230 shp) each, or:
Powerplant: 2× General Electric T700-T6E turboshafts, 1,577 kW (2,115 shp) each
Maximum speed: 300 km/h (162 knots, 186 mph)
Range: 800 km, 497 mi (TTH); 1,000 km, 621 mi (NFH) ()
Service ceiling: 6,000 m (20,000 ft)
Rate of climb: 480 m/min (1,574 ft/m)

Basically contact me and i'll get you a cost of how much it will cost for a sortie.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 10:40:27 AM by Feep »

 Triple-mother-loving bump

Name: Tommy Stratton
Status: c00l
Inventory: MK-48 (7.02 Rounds, 60), Berreta M-9 (9mm, 24 rounds), S.W.A.T. Armor
Karma: 0
Location: Northern Wallack
Objective: Enter the crack house, extract Rodriguez, exit crack house.
Cash: $25

Van Health: 98/100

As we entered the Southern Wallack ghetto area, the neighborhood came alight with gunfire. The four members of our squad were pinned down, and we didn't dare stick our heads out of our armored van. Almost the entire population of North Wallack wanted to protect their drug lord. Our van had six 37MM tear gas grenade launchers on each side of the van, but that was useless, because the starfishs were wearing gas masks. I flipped on the radio, and called, "We need air support, now! Pack it up with all the tear gas, stingers, flash bangs, and as many rubber bullets as you can fit! This area is a hot zone! Enter it with caution!"

Van Health: 96/100

Name: Dr. Reginold Feep
Status: Fine
Inventory: Pilot outfit(helmet and everything)
                 Colt .45 Commando + 57 .45 rounds
                 Cell phone (228-1626)

Karma: 15
Location: Flying over North Wallack
                    Piloting his NH-90 "NightClaw MK II"

Objective: Flying over North Wallack
Cash: 17,000$

Dr.Reginold Feep receives a request from the police department to use his helicopter service.
Two unmarked covered trucks showed up infront of my hanger. They got out, loaded three large crates into my helicopter and 8 men got in. They where all wearing SWAT armor and looked heavily armed.

I towed the NightClaw MK II onto the helipad, then hopped in the pilots seat.

What looked like their commander, was sitting in the co pilots seat. He hands me an envelope that briefs me on their message.

I started flying to north wallack when suddenly I hear the miniguns on the sides of my helicopter whirring to life. "Are you loving crazy?!? Are you going to murder the town?"
The captain turns to me and says gently "We are using rubber bullets, not live ammunition."

This was going to be fun.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 08:51:22 PM by Feep »

Name: Tommy Stratton
Status: c00l
Inventory: MK-48 (7.02 Rounds, 60), Berreta M-9 (9mm, 24 rounds), S.W.A.T. Armor
Karma: 0
Location: Northern Wallack
Objective: Enter the crack house, extract Rodriguez, exit crack house.
Cash: $25

Van Health: 40/100

"ETA ten minutes, boys." I said. There is no way that this van will last that long. So we decided to run for it. "Go, go, go! Into the apartment! Put a move on it!" I said, and they grabbed their guns, and ran across the street. Almost all of us were in, but when we were at the doorway, the private got shot. He screamed with pain, and I dragged him in the building by his feet. He was hit pretty badly, in the right shoulder, it grazed his bone and tore up his flesh. He was screaming in pain. Poor guy, only 26 years old. "We have a man down ." I said on my radio to command, while one of the members tend to him. The radio crackled, "You are authorized to use deadly force." and then we all started opening fire out the window.

So... much... Feep...

Name: Jake Kosh
Status: Bandaged bullet wound in left leg.
Inventory: Nothing.
Karma: 0
Location: Wallack MAXIMUM Security Prison.
Objective(s): Escape, find Max.
Cash: $750
Gained: Nothing.
Lost: Nothing.

I heard the sound of my cell door unlocking, I sat up form the bed to see two guards coming inside, one pulling out a pair of handcuffs.

"Alright, come on, we are transferring you to another cell to make some room." says one of the guards while putting the handcuffs on me.

They escort me through the prison, to Cell Block B. We walked up to a cell with a few other people I didn't recognize. One of them uncuffed me while the other unlocked the cell door, they opened it and pushed me inside, quickly re-locking the door. I looked around, my new cellmates staring at me, again the cell was pretty bare, just with a few more beds and an extra toilet.

"JAKE!" came from the back of the cell, I knew that voice, it was Bruce!

Name: Bruce
Status: Well and a bit of a limp on my right leg
Karma: 9
Inventory: Jail cell key, combat knife
Location: Wallack MAXIMUM MAXIMUM Security
Objective: Escape and find Max
Cash: $532
Gained: Combat Knife
Lost: Nothing

"Hi Jake!" I yelled from the cell.

"Quiet in there," shouted one of the guards. He took a look back to see nothing going on.

"Hey, Bruce," one of my cellmates named Dave said, "Who's this guy?"

"This is my colleague Jake," I explained. I gave him an introduction to all five other members in our cell. "So, Jake, do you have any idea where Max is?"

"Not a clue," Jake said. "I know he is in Cell Block A being interrogated but that's it."

"Alright. I got a key I got from a cell mate. All we need to do is get out and find him," I whispered.

"Not yet. Do it at night when there is less guards around," Jake whispered back.

"Ok," I put the key back into my pocket and waited until nightfall.

I'm going to do a full post later today or tomorrow. Just wait.