

70 (54.3%)
59 (45.7%)

Total Members Voted: 129

Author Topic: Herb Productions Inc. Mod Topic Tactical Weapons Updates Revealed PG.42  (Read 98200 times)

^Missed the point completely

If only there was a way of blocking people out of topics.

Edit the lord tony block script to block me.

// ==UserScript==
// @name       Shell Removal
// @namespace 
// @version    0.3
// @description  something useful
// @include    http://forum.blockland.us/*
// @copyright  2012+, shell
// ==/UserScript==

// var postForm = document.getElementById('quickModForm');
var posts = document.getElementsByTagName('td');
var n = ['action=profile;u=37190'];

var i;
for (i=0;i<=posts.length;i++){
   var v = posts;
   var str = v.innerHTML;
   if (str.search(n)>-1){
      if (v.className=='windowbg' || v.className=='windowbg2'){
         posts.innerHTML = '<div style=" \
         text-align:center; \
         ">-Post by unwanted user Shell-</div>';

For tampermonkey
« Last Edit: January 25, 2012, 03:27:24 PM by Shell »

I don't care if you want reloading so much, I don't want it. I don't feel it's spammy.
has no one stopped to think, the guns don't need reloading animations? Just hands and the default reloading for the gun?

 You have your complaints, and judging by all your post there are many.
We can't satisfy all of your wants because you are one person, a very insignificant number in the Blockland spectrum. I would appreciate it if you would stop flaming our mods. We are not trying to please you, but a large number of people. You may not agree with us, but honestly your insults are hurtfull, we want to please everyone but that is impossible, I would very much like it if you would stop.

I do not want flame on our topic, we do accept constructive criticism, but this has gotten out of hand.

Use chrome and get the tampermonkey app and block me then.

I posted a script.

Use chrome and get the tampermonkey app and block me then.

I posted a script.
No you could be insulting me and I cannot defend myself.

Then don't complain about me being in this thread when you can easily ignore it.

I laughed my self out of my chair when i read this one little word...
The sprinting animations have hands... :3

Then don't complain about me being in this thread when you can easily ignore it.
It bugs me that your doing this all because you got blocked... (Ok look, if you say, its because his weapons are spammy or something like that, it just REALLY shows how you rage.)

I laughed my self out of my chair when i read this one little word...
The sprinting animations have hands... :3
Yes but they have to be used to look cool and the hands don't look super stretched out, he wants hands that are stretched out and on them forever.

Then don't complain about me being in this thread when you can easily ignore it.

Get out. Your very annoying, and your de-railing the topic. I asked nicly and you persist.

Why are you so stubborn? Both of you.

Yes but they have to be used to look cool and the hands don't look super stretched out, he wants hands that are stretched out and on them forever.
Yes, but its funny HANDS where added, and you where saying no to someone who was saying to add hands.PS, if you make that ignore script to ignore shell pm me please D: