Author Topic: howto code a specific light range  (Read 2426 times)

Im scripting a new light. You know how the typical lights emit light in a spherical radius from the center, right? well, in my light, i dont want that, i want the light to be emitted in a cylindrical shape in a specified direction. so, can anyone help me? im completely lost on this and dont even know how to start on the fixing of this problem.

So... You wanna make a spotlight? No idea how.

I'd also like to know how this could be done. Any ideas?

I don't think it is possible, unless you can get a light to behave like an emitter.

I outlined one way to do it in a big dumb post with only 87 views :'(

I don't actually know if its possible or not though. Or if its worth the trouble.

a particle emitter that would be a light would cause uber lag. a server, no matter how empty or filled, would never even exist after five minutes of a light that was  a particle emitter.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 09:50:46 PM by Gastrocnemius »

actually, i take that back. its possible to..............i think ill go work on top secret stuff now.    *whistles*   (thanks for the suggestion. ima go see if its possible after all)

Whats the point of your post if you arn't going to say what you are doing?

You're not one to talk. If it works, I bet he'll share. If it doesn't, then he might share anyway so we can see what went wrong.

the cool thing about mocheeze, is that  he gives replies that are somehow peaceful and solving when my replies would be censored. yea, ill share it when im done, crash or success.

i made da spotlight, and i am sharing it. go look. really. no kidding. leave. except mocheeze, he can stay if he wants.