Author Topic: Crouch Racing - Space  (Read 23649 times)

Couch Racing... Na, I would rather just use a turismo XD

Uhm... I may download this if someone links me to the crouch racer playertype addon, otherwise no.

Uhm... I may download this if someone links me to the crouch racer playertype addon, otherwise no.

Fail much?

Good job, Dglider

Couch Racing... Na, I would rather just use a turismo XD

You fail.

Crouch racing was the most fun thing in the olden days of Blockland

I thought it said crotch raping space for a second. Looks fun.

Aw.....Sadly i cant download for some reason....Ima go ask someone to help.

This map.

This is the stuff. This is...

This map.

This is the stuff. This is...

Yesh i wanted a tron light bike map so when i get my light bike working i can make races :D

you know, i sorta feel lame for not being able to make maps  as cool as this. givin u a heads up on mah columns of earth map.

The last turn makes me rage.

Otherwise good map.

The last turn makes me rage.

All you have to do is go straight off without jumping, then jump off the platform ;)

this is really really good, i had to dl it off rtb because mediafire was being stupid