Author Topic: Interiors white out?  (Read 2924 times)

Know how to stop interiors from whiting out after a certain distance?

That happened to me too when I ported Vice City to retail, just mess with the lighting under "new Sun" in the missions folder and that should fix it. See if this works:

      color = "0.700000 0.700000 0.700000 1.000000";
      ambient = "0.400000 0.400000 0.300000 1.000000";

That will change it to the Vice City lighting though. Which isn't the point.

Hey I'm in that screenshot.

Its Bri Guy :o

I didn't know you were Herecy either.

I'm not able to test right now, but could it be the fog color?

Bri Guy is back? Since when? I thought he was... Uh... Whats his name, he also had the smiley shooting himself in the head

Sorry for the person whose name i forgot :/

The Renderman?  Something like that, anyway.  Maybe I've been around too long...  Mouser X out.

i had this problem when making my bedroom tilt back in rtb
raise visiblity and change fog colors, dont really need to mess with fog distance though

The Renderman?  Something like that, anyway.  Maybe I've been around too long...  Mouser X out.
Name:     TheRenderMan
Posts:    199 (0.269 per day)
Position:    Full Member
Date Registered:    March 10, 2005, 09:10:36 pm
Last Active:    March 09, 2007, 05:08:25 pm

He signed up on March 10th 2005, and he only has 199 posts :/ i wonder if he's active anymore

Judging by the fact he was last active less than two weeks ago I'd assume he is still active.

It'd be good if these boards could change "0.269 posts a day" to "One post every [whatever] days" if it's less than 1.

Last Active:    March 09, 2007, 05:08:25 pm
i wonder if he's active anymore
I'm pretty sure he means as in active postwise, Koden.

By the way, I fixed this by upping the fog and visibility.

Some advice:  Quit bitching, fighting, and doing really pointless spam about stuff in sections that are supposed to be used for something other than that.
