Author Topic: Things I Hate About Everyone  (Read 1484 times)

i hate all of you notreally :c

Good to see I'm not the only one who saw it.

I've gotten an e-mail with it 5+ times.
All with bright coloured YAY loving OPTIMISM colours everywhere and it makes me sick
It's like somebody tried to be like Maddox, was unsuccessful, and then shat a rainbow onto their monitor.

Nice copypasta, OP.
I suspected this as well. Go Rug.
Good to see I'm not the only one who saw it.
I didn't know he copied and pasted this from somewhere, where did he copy it from?

You need the remote to change channels with satellitte TV

I didn't know he copied and pasted this from somewhere, where did he copy it from?
It's all over the internet. I remember first seeing this when dial up was still all the rage.

It's all over the internet. I remember first seeing this when dial up was still all the rage.
I've never seen any :o

I've never seen any :o

It's a chain email thing. It sounds like one of those ones where it makes fun of the cop for stopping you and asking why you were pulled over and other stuffty jokes.

It's a chain email thing. It sounds like one of those ones where it makes fun of the cop for stopping you and asking why you were pulled over and other stuffty jokes.
Yah its a chainmail thing. I saw a topic about what annoys you, and these do annoy me, so i was like what the heck and just copied and pasted it.