Author Topic: handicapped school band and Parents  (Read 1984 times)

Why wont they loving believe me?
But didn't the band teacher say things about you that you acknowledged to be true?

figures you lack common sense then.
There's this thing called "not being serious." I think you should look into it.

Maze you get pissed at ur parents so many times...

You're just stupid. It's not your band or parent's fault.

I saw a comic somewhere.
It had a 'Then' and 'Now' panel.  Under then, it was a parent scolding their child for getting a bad grade and under 'Now' it was a parent scolding the teacher for their bad grade.
This kid reminds me of the Now panel.

Age: 13

Ahh, ahh. Ok, I see...alright...mhm.

Also, it's just you. You THINK you're doing well, but you're not. No offense though.

In my school, band is an easy "A" , but I'm dropping it to make room for a fifth AP class next year.  Who makes a class a period and a half, seriously?
Damn son, you go hard.

Actually Maze is just to lazy to do ANYTHING! he just lays around all day. and has no friends

Age: 13

Ahh, ahh. Ok, I see...alright...mhm.

Also, it's just you. You THINK you're doing well, but you're not. No offense though.

I suck like hell, she would notice.

has no friends
Iv known you since we were 3 years old buddy :c

Actually Maze is just to lazy to do ANYTHING! he just lays around all day. and has no friends
That also might be a possibility. Mental. Yeah.

This is what happens to maze at school:

*Maze walks in*

Maze: Hi everybody

Everybody: ... uh... who r u?

Maze: Its me! We've been in the same school for 5 years now!

Everybody: Um yah sure... u keep thinking that...

*Maze goes and cries in a corner*

I'm in a semi similar predicament. I'm in a pre-academy police force right now. I spent about $400-500 on all the stuff I needed for it. But after passing algebra and realizing I kick ass at Geometry, I want to be an architect, my original idea of a job since  I was in elementary. Now if I could afford to lose $4-500 to lose, then I'd quit. But my family is stuff poor, so I can't waste money. I'm trying to get a job somewhere so that I'm forced to quit because I work on the days of the meetings. and I know that if I quit my parents will be disappointed in me. My dad says I have to be in it at least 1 year before he will be okay with me leaving. He says I can do what I want, but I know that it pisses him off on the inside. Like for example, when I quit football, my dad didn't talk to me (excluding asking for favors or chores) for a week or so.

Bt enough about me. In your situation, I'd practice more.

this used to happen to me
then i took a few lessons and polished up my playing, and when i was tons better than everyone in my band, i stopped
then i switched schools and everyone ehre except a select few sucks :D

i've taken my music home this many times: 0