Author Topic: What about you is different from the others?  (Read 3000 times)

Now I don't promote tribal jokes when I say this, but this was just too funny to pass up.

I have a buddy who gets pissed off very often. He was pissed off today. You understand so far? When he gets pissed off, he likes to do things like sitting in his chair backwards or hitting his head on his desk. Today he decided he'd wear a hat in class. He just sits there until the teacher notices and says the exact words:
"What about you is different from the others?"
Did I mention he's African Kenyan? What about the fact that he was the only African in the room?

I guess you can share your own stories similar to this one.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 08:09:33 PM by RobotRob »

I wore a hat too!
Me and the guy in the story have so much in common!

So what you are saying is that he's a monday, and your teacher noticed?

Man your teacher is really observant they ARE hard to spot especially in rooms that aren't very well lit.

Well, My friend he was throwing paper airplanes and i was throwing paper balls, and our teacher didn't even notice, And then she told a kid who wasn't doing anything, to stop. And then everybody ratted out my friend. And she was like "Why do you think I would let you do that, What is so special about you?" and my friend said "Im me"

Wait does this even fit for this topic?

One time my English teacher was reviewing something and she says "can you guys see the overhead alright? I see a lot of squinting" this Asian dude I know goes "nah, my eyes always look like that"
I lol'd a lot.

i get all the bitches. unlike you acne having freaks.

i get all the bitches. unlike you acne having freaks.
I don't get acne.