Author Topic: To everybody who thought I was an alt - You were right (sort off)  (Read 1060 times)

One day before I made this account, IkeTheGeneric, I made Qyail. You're possibly thinking "wtf why you make two accounts".

You see, I registered my account with my email which is at But, at the time I hadn't known that all emails through embarq are linked through the adress "", so I thought the account couldn't be made because of this.

So, I guess I'm an alt :cookieMonster:

If you don't believe me, here is undeniable proof.

I don't see the point in this no offense

I keep thinking someone is going to come along and say "HURR HURR I DONT GIVE A stuff GO AWAY NOBODY CARES"



and then i posted this after that
and now hurr hurr i can predict this forum
i guess anyone can

anyway huehyu youre an alt :P

I don't see the point in this no offense

None taken. It's just a confirming report that I am indeed an alt.

anyway huehyu youre an alt :P

oh no i get band

o no

anyway the point is in the title is it not

If you don't believe me, here is undeniable proof.

Why would nobody believe you, and why are you trying hard to make everyone know? :0
The best thing to do with an accidental alt would be to not post with it, as apposed to using it to shout out you have an alt. :3

Thanks, this thread taught me what "alt" meant.  :cookieMonster:

heheeheh, i knew everyone would start yelling at ike, more or less calling him an attention whore
i knew it i knew it i knew it
hey guys look how smrt i am woohoo

hey tita youre being an attention whore btw
oh stuff oh god oh man

Decided to translate it for you guys.

Because every action I make is attention whoring

I feel like this community has made me think that everyone wants to tell anyone who is discussing their own problems that they're being attention whores.
I've been reading the new translation of Night and I can almost hear people complaining that nobody gives a stuff about what happened to Elie.

I feel like this community has made me think that everyone wants to tell anyone who is discussing their own problems that they're being attention whores.

Visit a few drama topics. People always conclude its ego related, attention whoring, or troll based. And thats because many don't understand any other way to handle drama, so they just bandwagon to feel smart. PROVE MEH WRONG.