Author Topic: Orphan  (Read 657 times)

Saw it last night with a decidedly attractive girl and my friend Jon-Luc.
Has anyone else seen it? Personally, I hate horror movies, but I loved Orphan. Cool storyline, fantastic acting and some really cool camera shots.

Isn't that the one about that ruin on the bottom of the sea or something?

Isn't that the one about that ruin on the bottom of the sea or something?
Nahbr0, it's about this woman and her husband who have a kickass house (in the middle of nowhere herpehrephrhpherpherphephr) and have a deaf daughter and a normal son
The woman was going to have a baby, but it died 16 days before the expected date of birth.
They adopt a 9-year-old Russian girl named Esther.

Did your friend Jon-Luc say "Make it so" when you asked if anyone wanted popcorn?

Did your friend Jon-Luc say "Make it so" when you asked if anyone wanted popcorn?
Ololo, nope.

aw :(

but yeah I saw this a year ago and I didn't really like it, but I was surprised by the SHOCKING TWIST of the little girl's backstory.

Acting was alright but it was really more of a thriller than horror movie.

Nahbr0, it's about this woman and her husband who have a kickass house (in the middle of nowhere herpehrephrhpherpherphephr) and have a deaf daughter and a normal son
The woman was going to have a baby, but it died 16 days before the expected date of birth.
They adopt a 9-year-old Russian girl named Esther.
You're probably too young to understand that joke.

aw :(

but yeah I saw this a year ago and I didn't really like it, but I was surprised by the SHOCKING TWIST of the little girl's backstory.

Acting was alright but it was really more of a thriller than horror movie.
I really loved the actress who played Esther (that was mostly who I was referring to).
You're probably too young to understand that joke.
I'm thirteen. What was the joke?

It was decent
Nothing amazing though

I saw Scott Pilgrim vs The World today
it ended and I was like

I'm thirteen. What was the joke?
I was making a Brain Powered joke.