Author Topic: KeyCode stolen  (Read 1527 times)

Hey. My BL keycode has been stolen. (i gave it to a personal neighbor best friend, and my ex-friend went to his house then stole it against my friend and me). He recently bought a new keycode, and that ID number is 616. If anyone ever sees my ID, 105, and the name linked to it was/is anything at all different from Gastrocnemius[DH], then it is not me it is/was ID 616. He has two ID codes now, mine and his own, and so it is very likely for him to use my ID to spam or anything like that. Keep an eye out.

that dude must be quite homo

he's probably angry that you wouldn't have schekz w/ him

haha you cant trust your own friends to secure your st00f

616? Is't that De_Beav or something?

ill jsut ban both of ya to avoid any troubles?

616 isnt kaphix. it isnt possible

Mooched one, The Unknown gave me another, and I only bought 1. Win.
Possible :cookieMonster:

ask him for it several times...
then call the police, you paid $20 for it, it's yours. and you want it back.

P.S. the same thing happened to me several days ago. I told him about the police, and then he got rid of it

I say you go do buisness with MPRI and stroll on in and teach that guy a lesson.