Author Topic: Kingdaro557  (Read 2786 times)

Oh god.

Oh my god.

Let me make this perfectly clear.

I am NOT Kingdaro557.

Whoever is is a very large douchebag. I don't see anyone who would have a motive for doing this either, so I'm just confused as to why somebody would do this.

Don't you dare accuse me.
I'm not immature enough.

He's not trying to impersonate you.

Don't you dare accuse me.
I'm not immature enough.
I thought about it,

but then said "nah".

He's not trying to impersonate you.
Really now?

I know I have had my moments, but I'm not that stupid. As you can see, some of his posts have the letter "I" lowercased, and I would dare to never make such a stupid grammatical error.

Really now?

I know I have had my moments, but I'm not that stupid. As you can see, some of his posts have the letter "I" lowercased, and I would dare to never make such a stupid grammatical error.
No I mean, I don't know why it's named after you, but I know why that person made that account.

I still have my account but i made a new one because an "Imposter" might create one.

I would honestly not be surprised if this was actually just kingdaro attention whoring.

I would honestly not be surprised if this was actually just kingdaro attention whoring.
How could such a thought even enter your mind!? Knowing that this would completely tarnish me, why in the world would I do this with zero gain?

How could such a thought even enter your mind!? Knowing that this would completely tarnish me, why in the world would I do this with zero gain?

lol you're whoring attention

Its probably ragref
Ragref is very stupid, but I hope he's not so stupid that he would state his own name.

There's a good chance he is, though.

If it was Ragref I'd laugh so hard of his stupidity.

It's most certainly not one of mine.