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Author Topic: Minecraft World Generator seeds  (Read 532739 times)

the submergers

Is a pretty kickass seed, im probably the first one to find it. Anyways, it spawns you next to a group of unique valleys.

The bump from the dead

"March" is a weird seed


forget off, trollboy.

Your topics are stuff.



Start Minecraft.

Open new world.

Make world name.

Click box under.

Type in seed.

'the submergers' for example.

Ding. You have epic world.


Spawn is inside a dungeon.


Spawn is inside a dungeon.
South east, not very far, from said dungeon.
Lava waterfall.

Hate sandy beaches? Want to see very few of them? Replace a lot of them with gravel beaches!
Use the xchronox0 seed today!
Seed: xchronox0
That is my MC name.

 :cookieMonster: Try romeoandjuliet, it gives you a buttload of iron and coal,and lots and lots of clay.


Spawn is inside a dungeon.
Oh my god.

"zelda" seed:

holy stuff

lol I posted this on the minecraft thread
I forgot about this one

Thats just awesome, I honestly haven't seen a stream like that on minecraft. (second pic)

Izanagi for lots of hilly hills

I Typed in ROFLCOPTER (exactly like that) and i got a very snowy landscape with a cave jut to the left of the spawn. if you go over it theres a huge mountain to the right with huge coal deposits. good for beginners.

Use TheArmyGuy as a seed , case sensitive.
Go near
x: -320
y: 65
Z: -366
Biggest mountan with most trees I have ever seen.

Chegotena gave me a chest with 4 iron ingots.

Try Beta1.4_0.1 Right of the beach there's a cave with coal.