
Should functions like selective fire and weapon bashing for the original realistic pack use custom button binds? Please note that this means people without the mod will not be able to use said functions.


Author Topic: BKT Project Thread: yar  (Read 386302 times)

These look fantastic. Keep up the excellent work. When you finish, I'm totally downloading them.

one question-- are you guys going to be adding animations to the magazines and such? I need to know if I should detach the magazines from the main body of my guns

No. I don't have enough knowledge and experience to do good anims like that. Plus I kind of think they would look stupid considering there isn't a second hand. The Brick Shift animations are fine.

If you can animate and model like us, I'd say it would be fine, but we do have 3 modelers already. Ask Corp and Shad, they're the ones doing most of the modeling

It took me forever to do it, but I perfectly scaled the PSG. It is slightly taller than a blockhead(like the width of any plate, maybe smaller), but starting from the grip it goes up to the neck. asdf, whoever is going to add joints and stuff to it is going to have a hard time getting the mount in the perfect spot, because if you don't, it goes through the arm in an ugly fashion

So, I'm in if I'm able to model like you guys? What could I model for this?

Well, my anims are similar to those of HellsHero's HK417 rifle.

Shad what are you working on right now?

Well, my anims are similar to those of HellsHero's HK417 rifle.
Well, just don't add any animations to the mags, only to things like bolts, hammers, ejection ports, etc. It will save you time and Shad won't have to do it too

So, I'm in if I'm able to model like you guys? What could I model for this?
In the end it's up to the other two main modelers-- if it is OK with them, you could try modeling the AUG LMG: it's like the hbar variant, only with a open bolt and a built-on 4x zoom scope. I was going to model it myself, but the first copy was unsaved and deleted, and my current model's edges and faces are disorganized and not straight

This might be slightly off topic.  But I think since you like posing blockheads with these weapons, you should do that and make those the pics for the guns...  Just a suggestion Z

I wish I could but I don't think sketchup imports anything that Blender exports

I'm still confused why this pack has "realistic sound effects", "realistic particles", realistic models, AND EVERYTHING REALISTIC. Yet, there's not hands on the models and they use default animations.

It seemed like you were trying to aim for realism, then...


there's a difference between realism in effects and realism in models when it comes to Blockland.

I would have loved the magazine animations </3

I would have loved the magazine animations </3
But without hand they look like stuff :(

HellsHero managed it incredidly well with his HK416, it looked really nice.

I'm not working on the ACR anymore. This absolute picturesque necessity for every detail hurts my head.