Inventory Player Type & Item Creator.


Are these ideas good?

Yes! Both are great!
I don't like 1 but 2 is good.
I don't like 2 but 1 is good.
Both suck!

Author Topic: Inventory Player Type & Item Creator.  (Read 580 times)

1. Why not a mod a bit like minecraft where you can have an inventory.It would hold 20 weapons and on the side would be 5 more which would be what you could hold. You would be able to drag and drop weapons anywhere in your inventory.

2. Also there could be an item creator that could work with the inventory mod. First you select a picture/model for it like a gun, flashlight, hammer, Ect or make your own (I have no idea how somebody can pull this off). You would be able to event it just like a brick. And all the inputs would be ontypeA, ontypeB, onLeftclick, Ect. You could also tweak the light, music, and emitter.

I don't think that this would be possible but if it is then that would be awesome!

1. would be neat to switch out inventories with a command, but the dragging and dropping and gui would need a clientsided mod

2. i think you'd need to do that outside of the server, before datablocks are created

It'd be a great mod. But I have a feeling someone will over complicate it...

I like the initial idea.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 03:06:39 PM by stones99 »


You don't need to bump when the last post was a few hours ago.

Anyways, this is an interesting idea... I'm not sure exactly how it would work, but sounds cool.