Author Topic: Pokemon: Black and White Versions  (Read 141785 times)

Anyone got some tips on hatching an egg quickly?

Put it in the first slot and bike around all over.

Put it in the first slot and bike around all over.
also have a pokemon with magma armor or flame body

also have a pokemon with magma armor or flame body

That does something? Like heat up the egg? XD

That does something? Like heat up the egg? XD
sorta lol.
Reduces the steps to hatch it

whoa whoa mega youre not mega
also theres a hatch eggs faster entralink power

ok now that's just being a jackass
a marvelous jackass
and you're a qwepir
a marvelous qwepir

wait was that a compliment or not i might want to change my answer teacher

Training is so slow. What are good pokemon to beat the Elite 4?

Training is so slow. What are good pokemon to beat the Elite 4?
a ghost type and a dark type
supposedly golurk and bisharp

I have 2 extra lucky eggs, I'll trade 1 lucky egg for 2 evolution stones. I need a fire stone, leaf stone, moon stone, thunder stone or a water stone.

a ghost type and a dark type
supposedly golurk and bisharp
i have a chandelure with Flamethrower, Ghost ball (or some stuff), Psychic, and energy ball, and it can wipe the elite 4 and the champion

Training is so slow. What are good pokemon to beat the Elite 4?

wait was that a compliment

Anyone want a level 80 ish hydregion I have 2.

I'll take almost anything. Really need Dex fillers.

Got my team situated.
Level 88 Scizor
Level 100 Chandelure
Level 50 (shiny!) Starmie
Level 73 Ferrothorn
Level 80 Conkeldurr
Level 48 Garchomp.

Now to level up

Hey I heard there's this weird version of Black called Blaze Black that edits the game to remove problems and make some stuff easier, like on your stats screen if you press L you can see your IVs and if you press R you can see your EVs.