Author Topic: Heavy Railway Gun - save included!  (Read 8910 times)

User was banned for this post.
You know you can actually get banned for that, right?

User was banned for this post.
What is your majure malfunction?
Seriously? What did you do that had to do with this thread? I bet that will soon have an actual red ban text below it someday.

Hey, I did an assignment on these for school once! Incredible stuff, especially during WWI, being able to fire over the horizon and whatnot...

Incredible job, great job on the barrel! 9/10

I prefer to refer to the Schwerer Gustav when I'm talking about this stuff.
And could you make a Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster? It uses the same gun

I prefer to refer to the Schwerer Gustav when I'm talking about this stuff.
And could you make a Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster? It uses the same gun
I'm tempted to model that.

Didn't this fail miserably in WW2?

They planned to make 9, but only made 2
Then it was so inaccurate they missed by at least 30 miles each time.
Some people say that it could have changed the outcome of the war if the Germans were actually able to hit what they aimed at.

But it still looks awesome, lol

Your lack of research astounds me. They only made 2 because of the amount of the amount of money, and the amount of resources needed to make them. They were fairly accurate, and were specifically made to be accurate up to 30 kilometers. The guns could only be transported on two parallel train track because of the sheer size of the damn thing. The shells themselves weighed about 2000 lbs. And right before the Allies won the war the Germans dismantled the guns.

I know you based it off of something else, but it reminds me of a level in LP2.

Me as well

Very good job 9/10

Now I want to make a big-ass cannon :O

Reminds me very much of the wolfenstein enemy territory map, makes me want to go play.

Very nice build =].

That map may have been my source of inspiration :P

Jesus Christ that amazing. 10/10

I remember seeing a cannon that somewhat reminds me of this, but it wasn't nearly as good.
This looks awesome, great job.

Your lack of research astounds me.
I'm not the kind of person that researches certain facts to act like a know it all. This build triggered a dim memory of me reading about the gun somewhere in an obscure article several years ago. All of this (mostly) accurate knowledge was straight from my head, so don't you dare accuse me of anything.

This looks insanly good. 9/10 I didnt give you 10/10 because the actual thing (as sad as it is) was bigger. Lol :D

Haha nice, I'm doing something like this too, but I took the base of the NASA shuttle crawler and added an ion canon.