Author Topic: Heavy Railway Gun - save included!  (Read 8439 times)

Hi there, King Leo here again.

I've been building a little on my server "bridges!" (yeah, I know the name is bad :D)
I thought I'd share a little preview of my work here

This is my model of a heavy railway gun, (loosely) based on the WW2 german "Dora"
Dora is the largest gun to ever been put to production, having a weight of almost 1500 tonns.
She fires 800 mm (thats 80 cm :-O) rounds that weigh about 7 tonnes up to a distance of 37 kilometres!!!

I'm pretty sure if Chuck Norris was a train, this would be his weapon of choice.


Feel free to rate x/10 or post constructive criticism.

Here is a little easter gift from me: the save

So what add-ons are needed?
No add-ons are needed :D It looks best with Truenos colorset, however.
You can use this for whatever you want, as long as you don't claim it as your own. I'd also like to see what you used the save for, out of curiosity :P
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 08:46:09 AM by King Leo »

Looks like my snake.

In all seriousness though, nice work. 10/10 for a build like this.

This is really good 9/10

I like the barrel and the wheels, but I think the support looks odd. Very nice job though. 9/10.

I know you based it off of something else, but it reminds me of a level in LP2.

I am Heavy Artillery Guy, and this is my weapon...

Didn't this fail miserably in WW2?

They planned to make 9, but only made 2
Then it was so inaccurate they missed by at least 30 miles each time.
Some people say that it could have changed the outcome of the war if the Germans were actually able to hit what they aimed at.

But it still looks awesome, lol

Reminds me very much of the wolfenstein enemy territory map, makes me want to go play.

Very nice build =].

I have been dreaming of something like this! Smashing job! 11/10!

How the hell did you get it to angle up without it looking choppy?

How the hell did you get it to angle up without it looking choppy?

Ramps, durp.

Looks like my snake.
no one is going to have love with you then.

Looks really good , but the wells seem to be dislodged or something.

Kinda reminds me on the one off of Lost Planet 2 c:

« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 08:00:13 PM by AceX10 »