Author Topic: Blockland Stealth  (Read 15382 times)

I have all the knowledge I need for programming which is why I have a lot of this done. I am not the web developer, however. Talk to DarkLight about that stuff.
You'll need to actually pay decently if you want a site that's even somewhat popular and allows for long, HD, videos, along with other services.

Is this a new way of social Self Delete? Like , making already made universal apps?

Is this a new way of social Self Delete? Like , making already made universal apps?
This is supposed to make the poster more popular, if you can believe it.

This is supposed to make the poster more popular, if you can believe it.
If you think I am doing this for myself then you are plain stupid and obviously assuming speaking you know very little about this and you already call it crap.

Dark has the video hosting figured out.

Technical Update: I'm rebuilding the structure for the database.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 08:42:08 PM by Jeep »

You'll need to actually pay decently if you want a site that's even somewhat popular and allows for long, HD, videos, along with other services.
Talk to DarkLight. I am not the network operator. It's his server.

Sorry for that double post.

Actually, my webhost allows infinite disk space and whatnot and I only pay 4ish dollars a month.

Space is cheap these days, I don't doubt the website's capabilities to stream 30min video - as far as Jeep's ability to set it up, I don't know, I haven't seen his work or anything. Just saying that technically, it is possible.

Actually, my webhost allows infinite disk space and whatnot and I only pay 4ish dollars a month.

Space is cheap these days, I don't doubt the website's capabilities to stream 30min video - as far as Jeep's ability to set it up, I don't know, I haven't seen his work or anything. Just saying that technically, it is possible.

You really think for $4 a month you get the bandwidth and I/O to stream HD video? Do you have any idea how these "infinite hosting" setups work? It's a bunch of virtual machines packed as tightly as possible hooked up to some massive SAN. There's no way you'll get anywhere near the resources you need to provide an HD video service.

Not to mention, if the physical limitations don't stop you, the terms of service will.

Quote from: DarkLight
Yes, the host would close it, but not if the files where remotely hosted on a server that allows it.

Quote from: DarkLight
Changed server to use lighthttpd, which is used to power big sites like youtube for example.


Switching to a more lightweight server software and storing the videos on a different server wouldn't fix anything. The problem with video hosting is the ungodly amount of bandwidth you have to use. If you could host HD video off a $4 hosting plan, Youtube would barely have any advertisements.

To prove that this isn't a joke or just a "project", we are moving over to a 7 thousand dollar server. Does that reassure some of you? I'll get the specs:

Two Intel Xeon L5640 processors (twelve physical 2.26ghz cores on QPI + hyperthreading + turbo)
48 GB registered DDR3 ECC memory
Four 1TB SATA drives in RAID 10
15TB of InterNAP bandwidth

Price: $7,188/year.

Also I think this solves the video issue.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 12:44:54 AM by Jeep »


Ok you are either lying or extremely insane.

That aside, it doesn't matter if you had a Blue Gene supercomputer, the main limitation is bandwidth. Now I assume they probably have that hooked up to a pretty good line, but if it does for some reason have a low bandwidth limit your screwed.

First off, wtf. 7000 dollar hosting? Either you have some serious connections in the business, in which case I envy you, or you're full of stuff. My guess is the second one, but what do I know?

Anyways, ephi mention that the TOS of my hosting would probably restrict my ability to stream video. Well, that's somewhat true - I can't make my site a 'file upload site'. But I could probably pull off video streaming. Maybe.

Oh and jeep, if you aren't bullstuffting, hook me up with one of them servers, eh? ;)

First off, wtf. 7000 dollar hosting? Either you have some serious connections in the business, in which case I envy you, or you're full of stuff. My guess is the second one, but what do I know?
I'd say the second too.

He is willing to pay $20.19 a day for his hosting.
Now I have doubts.

I have connections to DarkLight who was connections to the place. Later on down the road I plan to setup a dedicated Blockland server for things like a TDM or a city build. I may hook up a Stealh connector to that server.