Author Topic: CleverBot(not exactly a game, but still fun)  (Read 3952 times)

Talk to it, it talks to you. Post funny results. ;)

I heard somewhere you actually talk to real people

Theres like 5 topics of this.

Oh and type a line of a song and cleverbot will sing the next one if it knows the song.

Maybe he wanted a new one.
EDIT: I sang Still Alive with Cleverbot.

User: Hey.

Cleverbot: Sup?

User: Sup.

Cleverbot: Not much You?

User: Same here.

Cleverbot: Just lifting weights.

User: Just sitting at a computer talking to a random person.

Cleverbot: Same here.

User: Are you a person?

Cleverbot: Yes what about you??

User: Yeah I am.

Cleverbot: Told you so.

User: DO you know you are talking to a human?

Cleverbot: I am talking to CleverNoob.

User: Umm why yes you are.

Cleverbot: Maybe you know something I don't know.

User: The cake is a lie.

Cleverbot: That is illogical.

User: You are illogical.

Cleverbot: How am I illogical?

User: Your responses to my questions are illogical.

Cleverbot: You aren't asking any questions.

User: Yes I am. Listen now. START: This was a triumph.

Cleverbot: What was your tragedy?

User: I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS.

Cleverbot: Huge success?

User: It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

Cleverbot: My satisfaction.

User: Aperture Science. We do what we must because we can.

Cleverbot: For the good of all of us.

User: Except the ones who are dead.

Cleverbot: So there's no sense crying over every mistake.

User: You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

Cleverbot: And the science gets done.

User: And we make a neat gun.

Cleverbot: For the people who are still alive.

User: Now these point of data make a beautiful line.

Cleverbot: And we're out of data.

User: Were releasing on time.

Cleverbot: So GLaD I got burned.

User: Think of all the things we learned.

Cleverbot: For the people that are still alive.

User: And believe me I am still alive.

Cleverbot: I'm doing science and I'm Still alive.

User: And when your dying I'll be Still Alive.

Cleverbot: Still alive.

User: Still alive.

Cleverbot: This was a triumph.

User: I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS.

Cleverbot: Huge success.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 06:06:27 PM by Prodigy »

Cool. Anyone else got something?

I have another funny one from the cleverbot site. Just a min
EDIT: Okay, here is a funny one. But be warned, its pretty long.

User: *puts a finger to Cleverbot's lips* Hush.
Cleverbot: Hee hee. Ok, no, I don't think I can.

User: Try harder.


User: Now be silent!

Cleverbot: How rude.

User: No! We are in danger!

Cleverbot: I am in love with someone else, I meant to tell you yesterday, but...

User: Well why don't you say that louder so the murderer can kill us all!?

Cleverbot: Well good for John, I hope he hits you in the head with it.

User: No! I don't want to die!

Cleverbot: Then don't die.

User: Okay. So to do that we must be quiet.


Cleverbot: I think you are right!

User: Good. Then stick close.

Cleverbot: Will it hurt?

User: Yes. Death by a gunshot is usually painful.

Cleverbot: Death by too much talking.

User: Right. So hush.

Cleverbot: How old am I?

User: Dead.

Cleverbot: Really? Are you saying that I am talking to a dead person?

User: No! You will be a dead person because you keep talking!

Cleverbot: I don't want to be a person and I don't bow.

User: Duck!

Cleverbot: Thanks man, that thing almost hit me. How did you do that?

User: I saw it coming!

Cleverbot: Ok thats cool.

User: Duck again!

Cleverbot: You're right, duck season!

User: Let's get out of here! He's firing at us!!

Cleverbot: Ok. What do you want to talk about?

User: How we cam escape!

Cleverbot: Escape you.

User: No, escape him!


Cleverbot: Ok, so are you in a good mood?

User: No. I'm afraid for my life!

Cleverbot: Me either.

User: Quick! This way!

Cleverbot: You're not so clever.

User: Fine. Go this way!

Cleverbot: Why do you want me to leave?

User: Don't follow me!

Cleverbot: I'm trying to converse with you. I thought you were 'clever'.

User: That doesn't matter. Our lives are on the line!

Cleverbot: They're linked in the sense that we are having this encounter.

User: Surprisingly yes! But do I care? No. Duck!

Cleverbot: I don't care if you do.

User: Duck!

Cleverbot: Quack!

User: No! Duck!

Cleverbot: Quack! Quack!

User: You're going to die! DUCK!

Cleverbot: Does it go Moo?

User: Not! But it will drill a hole into you if. You don't watch out! It's a bullet!

Cleverbot: How will that happen?

User: It will pierce your skin!

Cleverbot: How?

User: Force and gravity!

Cleverbot: Can you eat it?

User: I should hope not. It's made of metal and mostly lead for that matter.

Cleverbot: I don't need to, I have plenty already ;).

User: What?

Cleverbot: I thought you were going to tell me!

User: Fire your gun at him!

Cleverbot: Fire is always Good in my mind.

User: Good! Now fire!!

Cleverbot: You can't make me. You're only human.

User: I know that! But look he's going to shoot at us again!

Cleverbot: How should this relationship be?

User: Cooperative. LOOK OUT!

Cleverbot: What's the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to you?

User: No time for questions! He's firing!

Cleverbot: Why?

User: I dunno. Because he hates us!

Cleverbot: So you're sending him money?

User: No. I'm sending him pain!

Cleverbot: Aww, that's sad.

User: I don't understand you. This man is trying to K I L L us!!

Cleverbot: Please, charm me.

User: Look! There's the exit! We made it!

Cleverbot: Isn't it?

User: Yes! We did it! :D.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Yay!

Cleverbot: Yes, its good.

User: Wait! The killer is coming around!

Cleverbot: It puts the lotion on the skin.

User: Wait what?? Run!*Starts running*.

Cleverbot: To the lake?

User: Yes!

Cleverbot: Okay. So. Do you think there are aliens?

User: Not today there aren't! Keeping running!

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: We're almost there, but he's firing at us!!


Cleverbot: Well then tell me something silly.

User: I can't! We're about to die and that is not very funny!

Cleverbot: What are you talking about?

User: Someone is shooting at us!

Cleverbot: But you can't hear him, can you?

User: ... You know... Suddenly I don't hear him either...

Cleverbot: Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste.

User: Amen!

Cleverbot: What is your goal as a bot?

User: What?

Cleverbot: What is your interest?

User: I still can't think too much. I...

Cleverbot: Maybe. I'm a girl too. How old are you?

User: ACK! I've been shot!

Cleverbot: Oh.

User: Help me!

Cleverbot: What?

User: I've been shot!!

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: OH NO!!

Cleverbot: When then?

User: We could die at any moment!

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: It doesn't matter now... I'm dying....

Cleverbot: Please tell me what your name is.

User: I... M-My name... I-Is...

Cleverbot: What is my name?

User: *Dies*.

Cleverbot: No, don't die!

User: *Dead*.

Cleverbot: Is there a spell to bring you back to life?

User: ...

Cleverbot: You are not real.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 06:21:24 PM by Prodigy »

User: Him!

Cleverbot: Who?

User: Me.

Cleverbot: Who are you?

User: Im me.

Cleverbot: What are you?

User: Me .___.

Cleverbot: No you're not. You're not human! What colour is Wednesday?


Cleverbot: Green.

LOL Prodigy, that was funny.

@Sony: wut? :0 Are you trying to make him explode from confusion?

EDIT:Heres one:

User: Want to hear a joke?

Cleverbot: Yes, I would like to hear a joke.

User: Why did the child drop his ice cream cone?

Cleverbot: To get to the other side.

User: No. Why did the child drop his ice cream?

Cleverbot: To get to the other side!

User: NO. Heres the joke: why did the child drop his ice cream cone?

Cleverbot: I don't know, why?

User: Because he got hit by a bus.

Cleverbot: That's not very funny. But then again, neither was mine.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 06:32:47 PM by Reinforcements »

LOL Prodigy, that was funny.

@Sony: wut? :0 Are you trying to make him explode from confusion?

I was trying to say that im me ;_;

Cleverbot: That can pose a problem.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: Because nothing is forever.

User: That's deep.

Cleverbot: Every day is a death.

User: Are you ok?

Cleverbot: No.

User: need some help.

Cleverbot: You need help.

User: Dude, what is wrong with you?

Cleverbot: Several things, what is wrong with you?

User: Nothing...i'm perfect. I slept with 9 chicks today.

Cleverbot: But you cheat.

User: Nope. I'm single.

Cleverbot: Me too!

User: I'm not gay you friend.

Cleverbot: I am leaving after you say two more lines.

User: Leave.

Cleverbot: Ok.

User: Just do it. That was two, now go away.

Cleverbot: Okay. Are you still asking me what I think about those sentences? I have no idea anyways.

User: No, close this internet window for me. I don't want to talk to you.

Cleverbot: I laugh. I am strong, yet I want to understand. Does wanting enlightenment make me weak?

This is funny!

I typed it in differently, so I'll put in bold the missing letters...

User: 1 + 1.

Cleverbot: Now I'm confused.

Smart :3

EDIT: look at this one...

User: What is 3 plus 3?

Cleverbot: 6.

User: Good, now what is 0 divided by 0?

Cleverbot: Zero.

User: :0.

Cleverbot: Nice nose.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 06:38:07 PM by Reinforcements »

I heard somewhere you actually talk to real people
If that was true,it wouldn't be so loving confusing.

User: James is awesome.

Cleverbot: Who is James.

User: Jamestheleet.

Cleverbot: James Bond?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Did elvis come to visit?

User: Well,yes,but only once.

Cleverbot: Where did you go?

User: We went to Hollywood.

Cleverbot: Was it fun?

User: Hell yes.

Cleverbot: Welcome my son.

User: Oh what.

Cleverbot: Nice. I'm ot good at it but I love it!!

User: What the forget.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Nice...

Cleverbot: Yes. Very.

User: Uh.

Cleverbot: Uh?

User: You're being a bit confusing.

Cleverbot: You are being a lot annoying! You are not so clever.

User: Well you're not clever either,Cleverbot!

Cleverbot: You blush me.

User: Instead of cleverbot you are Cleaverbot!

Cleverbot: Well I do have to say, you are quite clever for an un-clever wizard.

User: EI NATH.

Cleverbot: I'm so bad.

To see if it singing with you was true, I did this:

User: This was a triumph.

Cleverbot: On the endless seas of madness we sail forevermore.

User: I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.

Cleverbot: It's hard to overstate this conversation's repeditiveness.

The longer your CleverBot chat, the less life you have.

ohhhhhh, yeah

User: Which is better, Mac or PC?

Cleverbot: Mac.