Author Topic: Steam Gifting  (Read 12587 times)

What I've sent, never received anything though.

Scratch GA, I want Crysis 1 because I just got #2 yesterday and I don't want to not know the story before hand.

You shoulda bought Global Agenda while it was on sale (again) during the time that major people cared about japan.

Im low on funds. IM SO POOR.

I would put stuff on my wish list, but my computer is a piece of stuff and won't even play games from 1997, like Age of Empires.

i just forgot i cant get on steam ;-;

give it to someone else
Me =D All I want is Portal & Lego Star Wars TCS :s But I have to friends on steam D= Add-me - es90210

I have a reasonable amount I guess.

i wish someone would gift me portal 2

Some one gift me Left4Dead 2 and I shall talk to you everyday (Or well, just play with you, both work for me C:)

=(e)=™ ViciousToast

Also, I haven't gifted anyone any games. I run out of money fast.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2011, 06:40:40 PM by Travis [bob36455] »

If your semen tastes as salty as mine, stuff you don't want that in your eyes.
Mine's not salty or bitter, tastes like water :c

Mine's not salty or bitter, tastes like water :c
So it won't be too bad - gift me a game? <3


=(e)=™ Aml2296

Does anyone feel generous enough to gift the LilRobot Lego Starwars III? o:
PS. my steam name is lilrobot for those who are generous <3