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Author Topic: {GBLD} - KING OF THE 200  (Read 228457 times)


I am now the king of page 200.  Thou shalt bow down to me and the glorious GBLD.

queen of page 200

Hey, does anybody have the save of that one city build with about four islands, multiple airstrips, a volcano, and a really long bridge? It's the one that I made a building and filled a back room with a bunch of mounted guns.
This was on my server and I think I have it somewhere.

How can a cargo crate be so difficult to make? Just curious.
It is not
Why do you even ask this btw?

We should change the title to "The king of page 200" or something, because our anniversary passed long ago lol

It is not
Why do you even ask this btw?
Like I said, I was just curious, no specific reason.

Happy page 200 to you all!

King of page 201.
I tried.

Huhu hi!

gruhuhu double post on page 200 of random clan, get on my level

Sirlancelot is hosting a clan meeting

Two things-
Could you make a better warning time so more of us can attend? (IDK how many people didn't attend besides me)

lol the one time we do something in months, its not even coordinated. What was discussed?

It is still up btw
With already 1 drama

It was just kind of an impromptu thing if anyone was online, I didn't expect people to show, no worries! :)

We did start building a hotel, and it actually looks pretty great! :)  I will be hosting more often now so join up! :)