Author Topic: Barrett 50 cal (Troll Weapon)  (Read 21853 times)

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There is NO such thing as a barrett 50 cal, there is the barrett M82, which this looks most like, or a barrett M89

.50 Caliber Berret M107. Don't start a useless arguement without information

Try being mature.
On steam you said you were going, liar. >:C

it's nice I like it. kinda looks like the halo sniper?

(600th post :D)

 Make the scope zoom.

If you held that backwards by the barrel and shot, it's so long it would still kill someone in front of you

Holy stuff the model is HUGE!

Well overall, it is good.
-Cool, and the overpowered shots somewhat make sense.
-Not too blocko

Jhonson: "Where do you think the sniper is?"

Captain: "I'm not sure, but I know that gun barrel jetting through that wall over there isn't suspicious at all."

Jhonson: "Affirmative!"

*Pow Pow*
Announcer: "DOUBBLE KILL!"

The End

Could you maybe change the bullet, so it's like kaje's sniper rifle, and so it has a better range?
Other guns that are not meant to have long range go farther than this.