Author Topic: Anyone wanna give me money?  (Read 8470 times)


And why aren't your parents on welfare?

your totally thirteen
Yes, you're exactly right.
Being two years older than me, you sure do know a lot about how money works!

Yes, you're exactly right.
Being two years older than me, you sure do know a lot about how money works!
I sure do!

I come home after staying at my girlfriend's house to avoid the drama of whats going on and I find my phone is out and everything is being packed into boxes. Well I guess that was fun while it lasted I suppose. Imma continue frequenting these forums though for as long as there is starbucks with free wifi, I am good.

Edit: So I am moving out this saturday...

ANYWAY, you said you were moving out this saturday a while ago...saturdays are not your day, huh?

I've heard Target accepts pretty much anyone, so that's something to think about, and hey it's money.

ANYWAY, you said you were moving out this saturday a while ago...saturdays are not your day, huh?

I've heard Target accepts pretty much anyone, so that's something to think about, and hey it's money.
or he could run away to Mexico and join a gang there

or he could run away to Mexico and join a gang there

Or you can stop being stupid and give real suggestions to a member in need.

Ladios </3

Become super awesome house producer and make millions!

We had to sell my brother's turn tables otherwise I would be ripping out some sick beats and layin them all out on da floor

Things should be ok though... My girlfriend and I are going to move in together at some point (though for the time being I don't know what to do until she finishes school, but its only another month so I might be able to find something to do)

I feel so bad for you, it's not like the poor people in my area who just don't want to work, you got forgeted by economics.

Everyone in your family worked as hard as they could to maintain a stable household, and you got forgeted.  Why does this stuff happen, it's not cool.

Or you can stop being stupid and give real suggestions to a member in need.
you mean the person you've never met? plus that was a suggestion.

Hmmm, can you try going to one of those state things where you look for work and while your looking they pay you a small amount of money?

i cant give work to people at a whim for some short term help. we usually only setup with guys ready for a lifestyle change, and ready to put in some serious attention to the work.

if you (ladios) ever was that forgeted, you would be welcome to hook up with us.

i have very few people in the community i call a good friend ; ;
i gotta be open to helping.