Author Topic: Removing particles instantly  (Read 429 times)

Is it possible to remove a particle from the world instantly? Like when a particle has a long lifetime and then you turn off the emitter it takes a while for the particle to disappear entirely. Is there a way to do that instantly?

Wouldn't that change the datablock of the particle?

I'm not 100% sure how the emitter object type works, but I know that the particle it emits isn't actually part of the emitter object. I think it works in a way similar to tires, they're not an actual object type but they still exist and do things. Since the emitter isn't part of the object that emits it, there wouldn't be a way to remove it instantly, but there are probably workarounds by modifying the emitter itself.

I don't think there is.

Okay. I'll just have to fiddle with my particles enough so they time neatly.

What sort of emitter? Weapon or brick?