Author Topic: 15 Yr Old Sleepover?  (Read 1714 times)

Kinect's better.
I'm speaking on a serious level here.That's funny?
but psmove has a black chef who makes you rap while flipping pancakes

That's how they do it and get a record here in country United States.
Only if you get caught

That said, Australia does seem to be pretty lax on underage drinking

I played card games with my friends for roughly 10 hours once.
Wizard is a fun game, especially at 5:00 AM.

Try some old hilarious board games.

but psmove has a black chef who makes you rap while flipping pancakes
you have me beat, there

Go outside at midnight and play airsoft.
If not airsoft, man hunt.

Or you could make 2 little forts with blankets and pillows and chairs and stuff. After you do that, take turns attacking each other with all the lights off using pillows and cusions and other small objects to defend you're 'base'. Classic homemade TDM.


Get some girls to come. Everything will just sort of come together on it's own from there.

It sounds like you dont usually have friends over. :S

I just drink beer and play games with my friends till 4am usually and then crash until 3pm the next day.

Watch inception.
Cut your arms and insert tubes that lead to a coffer.
Think you dream togetheeeeeer.