Author Topic: "Bridges" - A TDM with an objective.  (Read 4563 times)

This is freaking lovey.

I'm confused how the engineer works. Can someone explain.

I'm confused how the engineer works. Can someone explain.

As of now, the engineer has only one special ability. He can plant dynamite at certain spots (like the ammodepot in the village). Dynamites will have a 30 second timer before they explode. Enemy engineers (or friendly, if they're stupid) can disarm the dynamite with the wrench to prevent it from blowing up.

At least one engineer is needed to blow up the ammodepot (in order to get the transport vehicle)
But I think the engineer is kinda lame as of right now. He doesnt have any special weapons or other abilities, making him the least attractive class.
Question: What other abilities should the engineer have? Sentries? Ability to paradrop?

Question: What other abilities should the engineer have? Sentries? Ability to paradrop?
-Fix turrets and traps.
-Spawn vehicles.
-Plant EMP mines.
-Hack cameras/bots

-Fix turrets
I was thinking of calling airstrikes instead? I'm not quite sure about the events for this, though. I was thinking of a relay-loop that checks the players last chatmessage

-Spawn vehicles.
Maybe, if that doesn't result in impossible gameplay due to spawnraping, etc.

Obviously a possible candidate 

-Plant EMP mines.
I like this one alot, but are there working (and released) addons that do this? I know Gravity Cat has this, but its not released.
It would be even cooler if they could be armed/disarmed with the wrench! (Wolfenstein ET, anyone? :P)

-Hack cameras/bots
Uh, probably not. This is WW2-based, so security cameras don't make sense here.

Nice feedback though!

anyone want to help me test it out?

(by that I mean I need someone to host this for me :P)
Ill help
i just need a list of add-ons that are needed :I
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 06:22:49 PM by Owl »

I like this one alot, but are there working (and released) addons that do this? I know Gravity Cat has this, but its not released.
PanDan made an EMP rifle once, I think it was ported somewhere a while ago.

Uh, probably not. This is WW2-based, so security cameras don't make sense here.
Then maybe open doors, craft weapons?

I think I saw this when you were making the bridge.
I came in thinking "oh, haha, some kid making no-support bridges."

when i spawned, i got a nice surprise :)

nice job.

I could literally fap off of this. I mean really, it's a good build.

If you still need someone to host it for you, PM me.

Hey that TNT is from Minecraft. Anyways AWESOME 10/10. Here 1337x :cookie: 9001x :iceCream:

Nicely done, but needz moar Hammer&Sickle.

Just kidding...

server is up now for testing