Author Topic: Fox Avatar Thread - Complete List/Download!  (Read 36662 times)

Transparented. Like yours. It's not, and i'd like to use that one that I made until Xina makes the better looking one.


Transparented. Like yours. It's not, and i'd like to use that one that I made until Xina makes the better looking one.

Maybe you should have specified that you wanted the loving avatar to have a transparent background instead of uttering a stupid butchered sentence.

Here ye go. Notice how the one white pixel at the tip of the tail is black like it should be.

A little late. If anyone has similar colors, since xina isn't online, i could do them. Yet sef or king would have to trans them, as i use Paint.

Someone please trans this for me :>
When you said that there was no attachment and your current avatar was already transparent.
I didn't know what you meant.

I hit post before hitting additional options, i meant to put it in before posting. Simple misunderstanding.

Replace the red foxes face with ME logo pl0x


Because it's getting annoying!