Author Topic: Portal 2 Content Suggestion Thread *Update 6/30/11*  (Read 33021 times)

Whats happening with this? I would love to see this happen, soon!


Cave Johnson Sound recordings

especially about lemons

Cave Johnson Sound recordings

especially about lemons

Epic. Yes. Totally.

I haven't played Portal 2, but I've watched the FULL WALTHROUGH, aka top to bottom, with sound. Also, whoever was working on the robot players: Finish them. NOW. They look VERY good but atlas really is a bit tall.

Cave Johnson Sound recordings

especially about lemons
Added to OP.

I think the ping tool deserves its own topic, considering it would be useful for a lot more things than just portal 2 co-op

i agree but for what else like showing how to complete a challenge. Also i would to say i had an idea for the light bridge thing what if you made a small section of it thats a projectile then you could on relay to get it to you know form a bridge and projectiles do go through portals :P also please please hurry with the player types and turrets thnks and sorry for any spelling/ grammer errors
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 08:01:02 PM by arcticfox978 »

I think the ping tool deserves its own topic, considering it would be useful for a lot more things than just portal 2 co-op
Off-Topic: Oh my god. I couldn't stop laughing at your avatar.
Why are we talking about cores.
let's get turrets down first
also the portal gun
it needs to be improved
big time
On-topic: I have plans for that gun.

Off-Topic: Oh my god. I couldn't stop laughing at your avatar.On-topic: I have plans for that gun.
Like making a choppy half assed re-color will help like the last guy who did it.

I think the ping tool deserves its own topic, considering it would be useful for a lot more things than just portal 2 co-op
I made one.

I could make the Core/Cave Johnson sounds/music.

I sure hope that 75% of the things on the list are not made. We don't need all of Portal in Blockland.

I sure hope that 75% of the things on the list are not made. We don't need all of Portal in Blockland.
I think the ping tool and crushers would be fantastic if made.  They could be used for so much other than just Portal.  The others.. meh.

I think the ping tool and crushers would be fantastic if made.  They could be used for so much other than just Portal.  The others.. meh.
Ping tool shouldn't be too hard. Just make it so the player spawns a raycasting projectile that explodes with the ping circle, etc.

Didn't see this thread, might as well post my model.

I also made a low-poly version for blockland, which looks basically the same, with a hint of blocko.