Author Topic: Portal 2 Content Suggestion Thread *Update 6/30/11*  (Read 33023 times)

The posts seem very unlikely to be in the final. Also, compared to Atlas, P-Body is too tall. Notice I said compared. P-Body is only about 1/6 taller than Atlas, not double or more. Also, the animations would likely be limited. The list goes on.

Can you make it so they both fit on a 1x4 blocks range of height?

Chell :3
EDIT: I am working on some more stuff, it's just an early version of the playermodel..

chell is female
Thank you captain obvious. I am working on decals.. but at the moment it's not working right in Blender.

needs skinny body
The skinny body is ugly, but if you are willing to give me the .blend, I can see what it looks like.

I wouldn't mind a few but 50% of what's in Portal 2? No.
These I wouldn't mind.

If you want to make Portal builds go learn SDK. =/
Scratch that if they are going to be made awesomely like Darkstar's. I was against it because I didn't want to see poorly made Portal 2 things in Blockland.

Chell :3
EDIT: I am working on some more stuff, it's just an early version of the playermodel..
I really don't like that. Those hardly look like long fall boots. It looks like you took the normal playertype model and tilted the feet, added metal bars, recolored it, and called it Chell.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 11:29:05 PM by Daenth »

But...I really don't like that. Those hardly look like long fall boots. It looks like you took the normal playertype model and tilted the feet, added metal bars, recolored it, and called it Chell.

Looks more like the Portal 1 leg braces, actually.  Not sure he even intended those to be the boots.

By the way, this will fail tremendously, like our attempt to make Blockland BioShock. Everything looks so glorious, but people will lose interest when it comes to scripting and minor details, dropping out or making incomplete work.

Scratch that if they are going to be made awesomely like Darkstar's. I was against it because I didn't want to see poorly made Portal 2 things in Blockland.

But...I really don't like that. Those hardly look like long fall boots. It looks like you took the normal playertype model and tilted the feet, added metal bars, recolored it, and called it Chell.
You are a horrible person. Get a life.

Also: Updating Chell!

« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 09:29:09 AM by indyjones »

If this is ever going to be made, the modeler will not be ben.

If this is ever going to be made, the modeler will not be ben.


Oh my god this is amazing.
Lord Tony, you were right, actually. This actually works.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 04:30:03 PM by The Titanium »