Talking to my Dedi...

Author Topic: Talking to my Dedi...  (Read 1229 times)

Is there a way to talk to your dedicated server through the box like in v2? I remeber doing it a few times and the code was something like messageall('Jesus'"It's Jesus, lol.");

Is there one for retail? If so, what is it?

I was wondering about this lol!

Was it written out of the engine then?

Messageall('', "Hai.");


  • Administrator
talk("message goes here");

Thanks for the quick reply badspot. Take it theres no way to make a different name other then "console."

there was some other command to do it, I remember some person did it where it wouldn't say console, but the text would just be in yellow.

You can just make a new function, and put it in any of the Add-Ons script files, as long as you have them ticked in the server startup bit:

Code: [Select]
function speak(%text)
      messageAll('', '<color:FFFF00>%1', %text);

Then type into the console: speak("Hello");