Author Topic: Jonathon121 is B401  (Read 7099 times)

Guys subscribe him to as much stuff as possible. Comcast's gay service has this bandwidth protection. If his e-mail gets spammed way too much. He will lose internet.

This kind of thing can happen to you guys

This kind of thing can happen to you guys
Damnit. Desregard what i said about subscribing them to gay research. But subscribe them to other things if badspot allows it.

the maker of the website dissed Magick Mage... :(

Thank you. I am totally going to sign him up for gay research.
Don't get banned again. :c

This made my rather dull day. I won't contribute but I'll gladly watch.

i can't say i knew it all along because nobody did.

Guys subscribe him to as much stuff as possible. Comcast's gay service has this bandwidth protection. If his e-mail gets spammed way too much. He will lose internet.

No-edit must really be a bitch right now.

you guys are the most over reactive starfishs i ever met lol

you guys are the most over reactive starfishs i ever met lol

I'm gonna miss Sandvich while he's gone. We can only hope that when he comes back he'll be reinstated into the Blockland Police Department, and hopefully without a loss of benefits or salary.

That website was awesome. forget you.

And I don't think this guy is him. It's got to be an aussie or a kiwi. Unless you can prove that guy is either, it's not him.

That website was awesome. forget you.

And I don't think this guy is him. It's got to be an aussie or a kiwi. Unless you can prove that guy is either, it's not him.
Why must you blame a tasty fruit?

That website was awesome. forget you.
All it did was hand out failed add-ons, right?

And I don't think this guy is him. It's got to be an aussie or a kiwi.

You keep posting that as if you want to pin this one on me. That and the fact you support the site, makes me believe its you. You dislike me somewhat, and you dislike Kalphiter... let me guess, you dislike siba too?

It would have to be someone who knows enough about covering up their e-tracks, and who has enough general unfounded hate such as you.

I'm gonna miss Sandvich while he's gone. We can only hope that when he comes back he'll be reinstated into the Blockland Police Department, and hopefully without a loss of benefits or salary.
"While I'm gone".

Hey, don't be blaming stuff on me.

His emails are posted for the purpose of sending him hatemail if he was slandering your name on his website. Not for signing him up for gay research or illegal stuff. If anyone is responsible for that, it would be the people doing so.

His emails are also there for the purpose of having a knowledge of his past emails so it will be easier to identify him if he ever comes back.

Lots of people hate you Sheath.