Author Topic: Synergy - [OFFLINE] [HL2]  (Read 1644 times)

Yeah, its happening. Synergy Not Queeba Edition!

Starting Friday at 6 PM EST.

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Password: DocBreen

Server Name: This
« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 06:28:58 PM by CRITAWAKETS »

Shameless plug, but i made a guide on how to make Synergy easier
Thanks, that part where Alyx has to turn off a generator in the City 17 levels is absolute hell with Synergy's default settings.

Now the combine are really going to feel the squeeze.

Hey guys, theres a Cytube at 5 PM EST! We will watch Half-Life Full-Life Consequences and What if Half-Life was Written by a Bot.

Its cytube time! Get in!