Author Topic: Terraria - 2D Minecraft More focused on RPG/Action, surprise 1.3 :^)  (Read 1445814 times)

paladins hammer > everything

copper sword > paladins hammer

copper shortsword > paladins hammer

the twins having a chance to spawn at night during hardmode is super gay.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 05:18:59 PM by Zanaran2 »

the twins having a chance to spawn at night during hardmode is super gay.
not really because then i dont have to take the time to gather materials to craft a mechanical eye

Light discs > Everything

Light discs > Everything
Nah, just wait until you get possessed hatchet and paladin hammer.

Holy hell a lot has changed lol.

The red biome is scary. :c

Holy hell a lot has changed lol.

The red biome is scary. :c

This nice creature wants to give you a hug!

Corruption > Crimson

This nice creature wants to give you a hug!
With all those teeth it'll probably die from biting it's tounge

I never liked the corruption either lol. I wouldn't hate them so much if I didn't get paranoid it'll all eventually cover the whole map.

Are most of the content updates in the past year more for like endgame or just generally broadening your choices at all points?