Author Topic: super flamimninja --- Makes topics that copy other topics, then constantly bumps  (Read 1964 times)

which everyone on youtube got and only because it was being edited

Kinda surprised he hasn't replied yet.

Are you just complaining about him or do you really want an 11-year-old banned for acting like an 11-year-old on a forum for a game designed for 11-year-olds?

Posting seven times in a row on a topic you made which is just a copy of another already popular topic, then posting the same clan topic three times, then making a video where you call a bunch of popular add-ons your own, then proceeding to just be a general idiot, yes, that should at least get a warning or something.

But then again, I never actually said anything about a ban, you just assumed I wanted him banned.
i never sayed i made them i sayed i had them,

i never sayed i made them i sayed i had them,
Oh god. Shut up and come back to the forums when you're more mature.

Oh god. Shut up and come back to the forums when you're more mature.
oops well i guess i cant play on the bl forums evar again :0

I like how lightly he's taking this :o

oops well i guess i cant play on the bl forums evar again :0
You just admitted that you're immature and will never grow up.
Good job.

You just admitted that you're immature and will never grow up.
Good job.
mmmhhhmmm but you have too realize whos more immature me or the dum kids who are making fun of me trying too have fun on a game about LEGOS! seriously LEGOS i need too grow up HA!

mmmhhhmmm but you have too realize whos more immature me or the dum kids who are making fun of me trying too have fun on a game about LEGOS! seriously LEGOS i need too grow up HA!
No, you are immature.
Just because this game involves bricks, you do not have an excuse to spam.


The US Army Drops a test gas bomb filled with a gas named amiter gas on area 51
Oh yeah, because the Army always drops experimental gas on their own bases! [/sarcasm]
That mutates most of the aliens to zombies
Holy stuff, 3 cliches in one! Mutants, aliens and zombies! Also, why were the aliens in Area 51? Continuity, ninja!
And they use the aliens techology to teleport to islands all over the world while the zombies are teleporting all over the world the aliens are escapeing.
What the forget am I reading?
all the aliens left are going to destroy the zombies but it teleports as soon as the aliens are in range of the teleporter.  zombies and aliens are sent to all over the world citys are gone contrys and even continents
By contrys, did you mean the Contras? The Nicaraguan civil war is over! The Contras have been gone for a while! Also, I love how you make it sound like the countries just vanish. I can see it now:"Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Missing Mexico".
as four People  are fighting back To Find The Survivors
Let's play "Find the Survivors"! Is the zombie it? No! Is the alien it? No! Is the human it? Yes! YOU WIN! It seems pretty easy to find the survivors.

tl;dr you suck at writing get out

What the hell are you talking about?
The non bold was part of a story flarningkinja wrote, and the bold was his commentary of it.