Author Topic: Sand dune map?  (Read 802 times)

I want a map of the sand dunes, if someone can make me one.
looks like:

The problem is that these kind of terrain is almost impossible to make in torque.

 It'll take a willing subject that will need to take time to sculpt the maps with a 2x brush or even 1x.
Plus in order to get that desired shadow effect the sun will need to be placed specifically in the horizon.

 If I could I would gladly.
That's a major problem right now.

 Edit: Nothing like flying through the dune sea on a hyperjet while listening to fast paced music.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 03:50:36 PM by Riot »

 Those aren't dunes.

I'm going to give it a go regardless, being a mapper.

I can do it, I obtained four new pretty awesome sand textures and two dried up sand/mud textures.

My attempt.
Not as rough as it should have been, but i quickly made a blown sand texture for the terrain that looks decent enough.

I like it. Is it finished?

 Maybe change fog color to a slight blue brown. /ExperimentalSuggestion

My attempt.
Not as rough as it should have been, but i quickly made a blown sand texture for the terrain that looks decent enough.

Rusty Desert  /search rtb

I made this a whie back, but it may serve youur purpose.

but i think this music goes good with sandune exploring
or at least the first 20 seconds of it

but i think this music goes good with sandune exploring
or at least the first 20 seconds of it
best bump of the month