Author Topic: Various paintings and such  (Read 2638 times)

I got into painting. Will keep thread updated as I make more paintings.


Currently working on two projects, a psychedellic painting of a DMT molecule that i'm only working on while stoned, and a painting of a Silent Hill 3 scene.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 03:29:15 AM by Sheezy »

 I'm going to sleep now.

You're a talented painter/whatever, I just feel that the first one is a bit unpolished/drawn

But drawn, I mean like, not representing a fully/semi realistic image. Like a cartoon character (Despite the fact that such content would never be featured in a cartoon :P).

This has been bugging me for awhile, but why can't I see any pictures hosted on tinypic, nor can I even connect to their website? Have they blocked connections outside the US or something?

I'd buy your work if you'd either get better on drawing those silly figures or think about not drawing them at all and just draw background scenes.
The first one's background looks epic.

 I had strange loving dreams after I saw these paintings.
There was a ghost plane with bright lights emitting from the windows. Dead bodies stuck in the turning machinery assembly lines, etc.
 And the worst one, a persons esophagus being pulled out of his throat through the turbines of a planes engine. 

 And the thing is it didn't feel like a nightmare.

Yeah #1 was my first painting and I admit it turned out way too cartoonish. I think it's because it looked too simple and because the shading was rather flat.
Right now I'm working on just getting my shading right so I'm trying to avoid living things, so I'm doing things like scenes and psychedellic art.

Draw me, I am a demon.

Sheezy obviously is Emo

nice stuff lol
the first one's arm is really hard to distinguish from its body, but it's nice.
ever painted directly onto your walls for whatever reason?

Sheezy obviously is Emo
Nope. Just broken in the head.

Nope. Just broken in the head.

Sorry about the delays, school etc.
Will be putting stuff up soon don't worry.

This is some really cool stuff man, I'm thinking about getting into painting, any tips?