Author Topic: Multi-Stage Scripting Contest  (Read 20336 times)

EDIT: 28 hours from this post time for non australians
Oh, good

So i got like a day left still?

Judging now?

Because I'm pretty sure the round is over .-.

No, 20 minutes and 2 hours left from this post.

may have to skip this round as I'm only just on the train home from work

Otto-san won against ::Matt:: (who failed to submit)
Otto-san: your mod was good, I liked the RTB prefs.

Irk89 won against Resonance Cascade.
Reso: yours was good, considering you whipped it up in a few minutes. Irk89 just had more features.
Irk89: yours was also good, however there were some errors (%target == 0 is not a correct way to check if an object exists)

Also note to the guys who finished, the events should not be able to grant or take money like the admin commands. The user was meant to be asked before their payment was made.

The next round will start a few days, I'll give you guys a break after that hard business making a money mod!!! :cookieMonster:

BTW, Lilboarder, do you still want to quit definitely?

Everyone else failed to submit. It doesn't matter. I'm thinking the next round will not be an extension of the money mod considering only a few finished it.

Haha knew there was supposed to be confirmation with the events but didn't have time to implement it, hence the:
Code: [Select]
   // The client must want the item as their primary weapon (they called the event, after all)
   // Don't worry about informing them or updating their inventory icon
   %player.tool[0] = %item;

The next task's time limit will be longer

I don't know. My finals end next tuesday, so I'm pretty swamped up until then. If this competition will have well over 3 rounds or something, maybe I will rejoin, but until then I can't add this to my list of things to do.

Need more warning next time saying the contest is starting.

The contest is over and this is the first I heard (no I dont check the forums EVERY day).

Oh that's a shame, I really wanted to do this task. Zack, you got my pm?

So right now Irk and I are the only ones left?

oh boy

its a ladder not a bracket you twat

Need more warning next time saying the contest is starting.

The contest is over and this is the first I heard (no I dont check the forums EVERY day).
I sent a PM to everyone. I think I may have put a space instead of an underscore for your name. Sorry.

EDIT: Yes, Treynolds