Author Topic: i screwed up my spear  (Read 1644 times)

someone told me that to make weapons and items do different things you open a copy of their file in notepad and change stuff. to experiment i edited the spear, thinking i would get two vershoins of the spear, one normal one i have one spear, and its all screwed up. its white and i can't even use it. what do i do?

Click the file below and put it in Add-Ons :P

actully, it didn't work :(

Did you enable it in Add-ons List?

Delete your tweaked spear, then get -=>RR<=-MasterCE's spear.

If you want to make your own spear, copy spear.cs to your desktop or somewhere else besides Add-Ons. Then go into it and press Ctrl+H. In the first box, type in spear. In the second type TweakedSpear. Now press find next and then replace, but make sure not to replace textures or sounds. To be safe, dont replace anything that has /Base/Data in it.